In my attempt to wake him, I had accidentally shaken his shoulder a bit too harshly, and shoved him off of the bench he had been sitting upright in.

Thankfully, the full campsite was a few trees away, so there's not a big chance he was seen sleeping earlier— But that doesn't excuse the fact that he should be awake right about now.

Plus, from my perspective, it seemed the bustle had calmed down so that could mean one of two things— They had finished loading up for todays traveling.

—Or everyone's being suspiciously quiet for some apparent reason and I'm leaning heavily towards theory one at the moment.

Crouching at his side, I reach out again, shifting my index finger to poke at his face a few more times before giving up.

He doesn't seem to want to wake up any time soon, so I stand, grumbling as I walk off towards the tree line and snap off a small twig.

And within a few seconds after returning, I raise my hand and sling the small piece of nature down— Whacking one of his exposed abs.

For a moment, his face seems to stir and I take that this method seems to be working— So I whack him again.

But the twig snaps once it makes contact with his skin, my eyes widening in shock when his side shifts to become jagged and cracked looking before returning to its original state.

"Woah.." I breathe, crouching down to inspect what had happened— 'This is his quirk, right?' I wonder, jabbing at the suddenly soft skin again.

And suddenly, he jolts— Upper body lurching upwards as his eyes snapped open "Oh, hey KirishIMA—" My voice grows loud as he turns, grabbing my wrist and hooking his leg behind mine.

With the sudden force, I'm sent off balance and fall onto my back, my eyes squeezing shut when I make contact with the ground with a new weight on me.

A very, very heavy weight.

"Ow, ow, ow.." I mutter, blinking as the dirt that had been kicked up diminished— Whisking away from my vision and leaving a terrifyingly serious looking crimson soldier behind.

The sun brushes over his back, his shadows covering me as he stares and after a moment— Blinks, realization falling onto his features before his eyes widened with worry.

"Crap, I didn't know it was you!" He hollers, quickly letting my arm go and leaning to get his weight off of me as quickly as possible—

If anything, I've never seen a soldier— Or anyone stand up as quickly as he does, and not letting me get out another word as he grabs and pulls me up with him.

I'm standing again while he dusts my arms and dress off— Patting down the fabric to remove as much dirt as possible.

Once he seems to finish, he glances up at me— Face scrunching when he looks over my face "Uh, you've got some.." His voice trailed off as he tapped his cheek.

Lifting my own hand, my brows furrowed in confusion as I wipe at my own cheek— Attempting to mirror his movements "No, no, a little to the left— Yeah, there." I deadpan, dropping my hand once he indicated I had gotten it—

"Wait, sorry there's—" I don't move when he leans in, brushing his fingers over my cheek and lightly ridding anything else that could be there from my face—

But leaving my cheeks tinted in blush from the previous contact and closeness.

"And.. Got it!" He beams, stepping back to give me some space while he dusted his hands off with a victorious smile on his face.

"Great, now that that's taken care of," I start up, clasping my hands together and attempting to hide the heat that was very much still dancing across my face.

—I was about to scold him about the problem at hand, when someone comes bursting through the tree line directly behind me.

Snapping my head around to look at the intruder— Or, intruders, my two other guards finally decided to show up, nearly tripping as they came to a stop a few feet away from us.

"There you two are." I state, crossing my arms over my chest as I turn to fully face the two "Would one of you like to explain why the guard behind me was the only one to stay and do his job ALL of last night?" I wonder, a passive aggressive tone filling my words.

The two— Though being taller, seem to shrink in their spots, sending nervous glances towards each other in hopes the other would either take the fall or explain their part of the story.

And after a few hundred apologies later and the labor of the two now walking behind me— They managed to take the tent down and pack everything up.

Kirishima trots a few feet in front of me, pushing branches aside and making sure I don't trip over anything as we venture through the woods.

When we make it out, every one else was saddling up— I quickly command the other two to throw my stuff in the storage compartment before getting on their horses.

And while they are busy doing that, Kirishima leads me to the carriage side— Pulling the door open and just like all the times before, he reaches out for my hand and I gladly take it.

"Sorry I fell asleep on the job," He whispers as I step up the stairs— My movement pausing for a second and to not make it obvious I was talking to him, I don't turn when I whisper back.

"Did you get enough sleep, at least?" I question as I enter and he lets go of my hand, my gaze looking down at him as he smiles and nods "Safe travels, My Lady." Before closing the door with a small click.

Sitting near the window, I pull back the curtains a bit to glance outwards— The crimson soldiers horse coming up to the side where I caught his eyes with mine.

The commander at the front calls out, making sure everything was ready to go before we start moving again.

And funny enough, when my carriage starts moving— He doesn't, my hand coming up to wave at him as we depart, and as I'm pulling the curtain back into place, I hear him get yelled at for not moving.

Another snicker finds it's way past my lips as we start on another long day of traveling.

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