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I heard mom and dad yelling downstairs.

'It's our daughter, Wilmer! I can't just watch how she's gonna hurt herself, again! She's not leaving this house without my knowledge and permission. I lost her once, I'm not gonna lose her again.'

It took them an hour to "talk" until we were told to come back downstairs.

As usual it took Laura some more time than me to face our parents.

When she finally walked into the living room I looked at her eyes they weren't red from crying like mine.

'Girls. We know you are not gonna like this, but dad and I made some rules.' Mom said.

My dad continued. 'You both cannot leave this house until one of us gives permission. It's very important for us to know where you two are, you understand?'

I nodded.

'That's not fair! I don't even really live here.'

'I don't care if you think it's fair or not. You live here and you're going to stick to the rules.'


Why did she always has to go this way?

'You'll know then, sweetheart. Just be a good girl.' Mom said. With the last phase she was looking at the both of us.

I still needed to know, though.

'Yes, mom. But I still wanna know why you sent Laura away.'

Laura sighed really deep. She was definitely annoyed. 'Why can't you just fucking drop it?'

'Laura. Language.' Dad said.

'OK, but seriously. Why can't you just leave it like it is right now. We got each other now. Move on from this point. Everything's OK now, right?'

I looked at her. Was she freaking kidding me?!

'Well, actually I don't know if everything is OK now. Because you guys don't wanna tell me anything!'

'Jesus Bella, don't be such a baby. Get over it. It's something between mom and dad and me.'

I was thinking.

'Were you pregnant?'

She hit her forehead with her hand. 'No!'

'Were you using alcohol or drugs?'


'Did you ruin mom or dad's career?'

'Was working on it. Yeah.'

I smiled. I finally knew something.

'That's not true, baby.' Mom said.

Okay, and again. I didn't know anything.

'I want you to tell me, right now. What happened what made you leave? Otherwise I'm gonna tell mom and dad about what you told me in the car.'

Her eyes widened.

'You would not..'

'Wanna try?'

'Fine!' She finally gave in.

She gave in.

She just gave in!!

She was gonna tell me the answer I've been waiting for since years.

'Sit down. It's a long story.'

I did as I was told and she sat down next to me.

Mom and dad not saying anything. Just staring at Laura just like I did.

Twins Lovato (Demi Lovato fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu