The desision / epilogue

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I had made my decision, it was a hard one to make but I knew in my heart it was the right choice. I stood up from my chair and walked over to Mary and Desmond.

"Mary, Desmond thanks for everything, you guys are great parents and you're going to give a boy a lot of love in the future."

I glanced at Darry and he looked like he was about to cry, which was rare for Darry, the only time I had seen him cry was the time at the hospital.

"But it's not going to be me"

I looked over at the rest of the gang, they looked confused and happy at the same time.

"I'm staying here"

The gang smiled at me. But Mary looked pissed

"Alright Ponyboy have a good life here in this shit hole, when you drop out of school and never get a good education and can't do anything valuable with your life don't make it a sob story!"

Mary, Desmond, and Darcy slammed the door and we're gone, never to be seen or heard from again.


Though it had been almost a year since Ive been to Dusk high school the boys still send me letters and call me, they're really nice people, Elliot's visiting Tulsa for spring break with his parents, and Blaze is tagging along too, we're going to meet up and go to a theme park.

As for the gang everything is back to normal, even my nightmares have come back, I still don't know what Mary and Desmond's house did to make them stop but oh well. I have gotten a bit closer to Darry but everything else is the same, and I like it that way.

The other night I was on the Phone with Elliot , though we couldn't see each other we were watching the same sunset, turns out he loves those too! I told him the same poem I told Johnny, after a while the sky turned black and we could see all the stars in the sky. When we saw the bright stars, Elliot believed it was his turn to share a poem,

"It is he who heals the broken in spirit and binds up their wounds, he who numbers the stars one by one..."

I'll miss the money and the house but that doesn't matter when you have brothers, and a whole bunch of friends that will do anything for you.

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