Welcome to Dusk High School For Determend young men

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When I woke up that morning I was feeling refreshed despite barely getting any sleep, because I was really worried about not having Sodapop with me. I looked at the clock it said "6;10" which was quite early since my old school started at 8am, my door opened and Mary popped her head in

"pony! I'm sorry I forgot to tell you classes start at 7:30! You should start getting ready, here I've got your uniform"

Mary walked to my bed and dropped off a folded stack of clothes, the uniform I suppose.

"Get changed into this and do anything you need, then come down I have breakfast on the table, and you can see Darcy!"

Mary walked out and closed my door. I looked at the uniform, it was a fancy white short sleeved dress shirt with black dress pants, as well as a baby blue and black tie, and black shoes. I went to the bathroom and put in some hair grease. Even if I was a "soc" now I was still a greaser in my heart. I changed into the uniform and looked into the mirror which made me realize that other than the grease, there would be no way to differentiate me from a soc. I walked down the stairs to the living room to see froot loops on the kitchen table and Mary feeding Darcy.


"Good morning Ponyboy, I didn't ask you earlier but did you sleep well?" Mary asked

"I slept fine, thanks"

"After school on friday Desmond is taking you too Michaels (the craft store) to pick up paint and other decorations for your room"

Mary wiped the milk off of Darcys face and combed her hair with her fingers, she picked Darcy up and brought her towards me, she looked at Darcy and said..

"This is ponyboy Darcy, can you say Ponyboy?"

"Pone, pone, pone!" Darcy squealed

"Close enough"

Mary sighed and put Darcy to stand on the floor.

"So eat your cereal pony and then we're going to walk you to the school, its only 5 minutes away. Then a student should take over from there."

"Yes ma'am"

I sat at the table and ate the cereal while Mary packed her purse and picked it up, then picked up Darcy.

"Time to go Pony!"


I picked up my bag and threw it over my shoulder. As we walked down the street and I finally got to see the streets of Nashville, it was beautiful, nothing like Tulsa, no trash and no fights, just people rushing to school or work. Everyone had a smile on their face and looked happy to be alive, unlike in Tulsa. Eventually I saw the two giant schools "Dusk (boys) Dawn (girls)" Dusk was on the left side and Dawn was on the right. Mary and Desmond were right. You could probably walk out of Dusk and straight into the doors of Dawn.

Mary pointed to Dusk

"Go through the door, down the ramp and talk to the receptionist, she'll tell you everything you need to know. Have an amazing day Pony sweetie."

Mary gave me a side hug and rubbed my arm, then started walking away while glancing back to watch me go into the school. I walked in and went down the ramp to the lady sitting at the desk.

"Hi, I'm Ponyboy and uh-"

"Ponyboy Curtis?"


"Of course, you need to go to the main office- hey - you, Kimmie, bring this young man to the office."

The desk lady said looking at what I assume is a student. I turned around to see a boy with a tall skinny figure with white hair and extremely pale skin and what looked like purple-ish eyes I didn't think what was possible to have purple eyes.

"Of course! Follow me"

I started following him through the cafeteria and up the stairs, I guess I made a face while wondering about his eyes because next he said,

"Didn't your parents ever teach you that it's rude to stare?!"

He looked really pissed at me and I got quite nervous, mainly because he looked a lot like a soc and if this happened with a real soc I would be torn to shreds. Trying to save myself I said.

"Sorry man, I just thought your eyes were cool, are they contacts?"


He responded

"I have Albinism, which basically means I have no melanin in my body so I look like a pale ghost 24/7"

"I think it looks cool"

Soon we were finally at the office and the principal was already waiting for me. She was tall, slim, and was wearing a dark blue suit. She turned to me and said

"Ponyboy Curtis, welcome to our school we are so glad to have you here"

"Glad to be here!"
I respond trying to sound enthusiastic

"Todays our lab day, if you're wondering what a lab day is- actually 'll just let your buddy explain it, you'll get to see it all."

She walked out the room and towards the elevator, and I followed.

"So we have not told the person that you will be shadowing them, but they're a good kid and with the art and music credits selected, you guys have identical schedules! His name is Elliot Silver, he is on the football team, he is President of the student council, and he's and amazing actor. He also gets along with new people very well."

The elevator stopped and it was clear we were on the right floor, the principal walked down the halls to a blue door with the numbers "450" on it.

"This is Elliot's homeroom, it will also be yours too."

She opens the door and pokes her head into it.

"Elliot please come out here right this second."

I heard the class go silent when she called out Elliot, I couldn't see much but I did see someone with a partially shocked expression when she told Elliot to come out to her.

"Yes ma'am"

A voice from inside replied. I then heard a desk screech and shuffled footsteps leading up to the door. That's when the principal opened the door so I could finally see the person I would be spending the entire day with.

Just A Little Guilty (An outsiders fan fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें