The Judgment

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Quick note: this is not at all close to how it works in real life [this is also written in Ponyboys perspective]

All the charges have been dropped from both me and Johnny, but the court decided that Darry wasn't a good and safe guardian to me and Soda. The court said that soda could stay with Darry because he would be turning 18 real soon and they couldn't find him a placement near his job, but for me, I didn't have an excuse. The judge gave me 2 weeks to get all my stuff together before the social worker comes to bring me to my foster home. In those 2 weeks I've mostly spent time with my brothers and the gang but it didn't feel right, it felt bittersweet knowing that this was all going to come to an end very, very soon. Now I look back on those memory's wising that they had lasted just a little longer, but now we're all in the living room, sitting on the couch looking at the clock and looking back at each other waiting for the social worker to come and drag me away to who-knows-where. No one would make eye contact except for Johnny who was looking at me to stop the pooling tears in his eyes from falling down his face in front of everyone. I just kept looking down at my backpack no one said anything, and for once, in what felt like a billion years, the house was completely silent. Then we herd the knock, the dreaded knock, the knock that would ruin my life, the knock that made me realize just how real this is. Just how bad of a situation I was about to be put in. Darry pat me on the back, stood up and opened the door. Of course the social worker was there, she opened her mouth and began to speak to Darry

"Is ponyboy Curtis here?"
Darry sighed "yes, can we have a few more minutes please?"
The woman looked at her watch then back at Darry "you have 5 minutes."

Darry walked back into the house, we all looked at him, he sighed and wrapped his arms around me, these kinds of hugs are very rare from Darry but this was quite a rare occasion, in fact maybe the final time I ever get one of these hugs, Sodapop joined in the hug, and then Johnny, next was Two bit, then Dally, and surprisingly even Steve joined in. As I tried to soak up everything that was happening I hadn't even realized that we were all collectively crying, and Johnny who was openly sobbing into my shirt. Eventually everyone drifted out of the hug, Darry looked at the clock and nodded while tearing up, he put his hands on my shoulders and said.

"It's time pony, stay safe I'll get you back, I promise" he smiled and let me go.
Dally pat me on the shoulder "stay safe and be smart"
Sodapop smiled and hugged me tightly again "be strong, we'll get you back"
Steve nodded and gave me a sad smirk "don't cause too much trouble"
Two bit held the door open for me. "Keep away from those Socs.....and keep in touch, please"

I walked towards the social worker and introduced myself, Turns out her name was Helen, she told me to put my back pack in the car. I threw it in the back seat and was about to get in before I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around to look and to my surprise I saw Johnny

"Before you go pony, I've been thinking about it, and that poem, that you told me about, he meant you're gold when you're a kid, like green. When you're a kid everything's new, dawn. It's just when you get used to everything that it's day. Like the way you dig sunsets, Pony. That's gold. no matter what foster home you end up at, keep it that way. Stay gold ponyboy, stay gold.

I smiled back and responded "I will" he smiled back at me and let go. I jumped into the car and frowned, I couldn't keep it in. I rolled down the window and tried to smile but it all feel out and I just started bawling my eyes out. The car started and we began to drive away.


After 30 or so minutes of driving I turned to Helen and asked
"where exactly are we going"
Helen rolled her eyes "yes that's where we are going ponyboy, your brother has a court date coming up, so hopefully you won't be complaining for too long."
I started crying again, I would be hours away from my only family and wouldn't have any contact with them either. I could send a letter or call them, but how do I know if my foster parents would even let me do that? Are they even good people? Who are they? Another question dawned on me, what about school? The biggest thing that separates me from my brothers is that I was supposed to have good grades and go to college, but would that all be over now? I don't know, I just dont know. I guess ill have to ask when I get there, how much time is left in this car ride. My stomach was twisting and I felt like I was going to puke all over the car, I just wanted to be there, or better yet be back home. At this point all I could do was cry and stare at the window and hope that Darry can prove he's a fit guardian for Sodapop and I so I can go back home. my head was leaned against the window and all this worrying and crying made me get really sleepy and as I was about to close my eyes to take a nap, the car came to a stop, and Helen turned back to face me

"We're here Ponyboy."

I grabbed my bag and hoped out the car, shut the door, and looked up at the house I was going to be staying at for god knows how long and I audibly gasped at the beautiful 3 story house, it was breathtaking especially since it was a bit dark and all the lights were on

I grabbed my bag and hoped out the car, shut the door, and looked up at the house I was going to be staying at for god knows how long and I audibly gasped at the beautiful 3 story house, it was breathtaking especially since it was a bit dark and a...

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As Helen and I walked out to the front of the house my heart dropped to my stomach. I realized that If I was back in Tulsa this would have been the house of a soc, this is exactly what two bit told me not to, but I don't really have a choice, or a say, or a voice. For one of the first times in my life, I was completely helpless soon enough we were at the front door and Helen rung the doorbell and knocked on the door. I heard some mumble conversation between what sounded like a man and a woman talking before I heard some shuffled footsteps come towards the door,  the knob turned and the door opened so my foster parent could greet me.

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