"Wang Qingfeng pays his respects to this lord!"

After entering the cabin, the man wrapped a hand around a fist and knelt down on one knee. He then held the Xuan Tie token out to Shen Liang with both hands. 

"Please rise, Uncle Wang," seeing this, Shen Liang hurriedly reached out to help him up. "There's no need to be so polite, Uncle Wang. I came here with the Xuan Tie token but with no intentions to disturb your peace. However, I am alone with no aid and backings. The information I wish to derive cannot be done with what limited power and influence I have, much less defend myself against the animals that surround me. Uncle Wang, please take me to meet the leader."

Shen Liang's trust in the Nether guards was comparable to the trust he held for Qi Yue and Qi Xuan. Against them, he had always been affectionate and kind.

"The lord is too courteous. Since you have derived the Xuan Tie token, then you are the master of the Nether Guards. The old master had once decreed, seeing the token is synonymous with seeing him in person. After centuries have passed, none of us dared to forget his order."

Shen Liang's intimacy and courteousness allowed Old Wang to develop a favorable impression of the young master before him. However, he still didn't dare to allow his attitude to breach the difference in their status. 

"I've made you work hard," exactly what sort of master must his ancestor have been for his followers and subordinates to remain loyal to him even after centuries had passed? How beautiful was he? What bearing and character must he have? Shen Liang's admiration and curiosity for the legendary figure of the Wei Family only grew.

"Please allow me a moment, my lord. I will notify the leader," after brewing Shen Liang a cup of tea, Wang Qingfeng left the cabin. Shen Liang waited for around half an hour before Wang Qingfeng returned with five young men who couldn't be more than 20. They were all donned in plain attires but from their bearing and demeanor, Shen Liang could see that none of them were simple.

Shen Liang was not unfamiliar with them. But he also didn't take the initiative to greet and recognize them. 

"The Nether Guard's leader Lei Zhen greets the lord!"

The man who led the group followed Wang Qingfeng's suit and paid his respects before dropping on one knee. The four other men who trailed behind him followed his example. Shen Liang raised the cup of tea to conceal and control the tremble in his two hands. Lei Zhen, and along with him, Xiao Yu, Zheng Han, Yang Peng, and Yuan Shao were all people who had done everything and worked hard in their previous lives to protect and aid him. Even when Shen Liang dispersed and disbanded the Nether Guards, they refused to leave. In the end, they finally died in the Jinluan Hall after he was wrongfully accused and condemned as the poisoned empress.

That day, the five of them fought and resisted against the siege of thousands of royal soldiers as they were gradually surrounded. They paid with their lives in their desperate attempt to save him but... they collapsed and died in the pool of blood one after another. Shen Liang's heart trembled and pounded heavily from seeing them once again, alive and well, standing before him. Shen Qiang's words were not inaccurate. His blindness had resulted in the deaths of too many he cared about in his previous life. 


Sensing the young master's lack of response even after a while, Lei Zhen and the rest raised their heads with inquiry and were greeted by Shen Liang's evasive gaze. A thin layer of mist enveloped Shen Liang's eyes and the group's hearts couldn't help but be dowsed with confusion. 

"En? Pardon me. You remind me of my brother who left home for me five years ago. Please rise, everyone. There is no need to be so courteous," Shen Liang returned to his senses and dispelled the emotions running rampant within him. However, his voice was hoarse when used.

Rebirth of Poisoned Empress, by 颜若优雅Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum