Ch.12: Only girl in the world

Start from the beginning

"And here they go again~!"  Hanta and the others moved away to watch their little fight. "They're cute together tho."

"Huh!? You think that too? I agree! They have the same energy." Denki told.

"Oi, oi, oi! Why everyone keeps shipping them together?!" Eijirou asked confused.

"Ahmn... Because they match personality, tastes in movies and music, style, combat skills, they swear as fuc-" Mina kept going until the red one stopped her.

"Okay, okay, I get it! Then why they aren't together yet?"

"Why you and Mina aren't together too?" Hanta smirked at them.

"Why aren't you and Denki together then?" Mina mocked him annoyed.

"WHAT?! EWWW!!" now the quartet is fighting too. "Say that on my face again!"

Hanta had to hold Denki away and Eijirou did the same with Mina. A chaotic scene, worthy of a sitcom.

"By the gods, what happened now?" Sisi murmured to Katsuki, pointing at the chaos ahead of them.

"Who knows, they just fight for anything..." holding her hand, he pulled her to sit on the floor with him, close to their bottle of water. "Here."

"Thanks." she took it from him and sipped a bit. "Where is yours?"

"Forgot in my bag." she gave hers to him. "No, you need more!"

"I'm fine! My stamina got back to normal, so I'm not getting tired easily anymore. Drink!"

"Fucking stubborn... I DON'T WANT!"

"Rude..." she pouted, closing the bottle to put it away, and Katsuki sighed eyeing her plump lips.

"Ugh, okay! I'll drink then, stop pouting already!" he took the bottle back and drank the whole water down. She giggled at it. "What now?"

"Nothing, sometimes you're just too cute." she said simplistically, playing with the skirt of her costume, missing the now red boy beside her.

"Shut up! I'm not cute!"

"For me you are!" she looked at him and snorted. "Oh my, are you blushing~?!"

"FUCK OFF!" she tried to see better, but he put his hand over her face. "I'LL FUCKING EXPLODE YOU!"

"Bullshit! You love me too much to it."

"NO, I DON'T! SHUT UP!" he pressed his hand on her lips, trying to stop the embarrassing talk. "So annoying! I- ARGH! DON'T LICK ME YOU FREAK!"

Laughing hard at his reaction, Sisi watched him stand away from her like he was trying to escape.

"Katsuki~ Come here! Let me tell you more about how cute you are~"

"FUCK YOU BITCH!" he ran away, flushed out of his mind with her compliments to him.

The now quiet squad just watched shaking their heads, thinking if someday all this friendly love will turn into something else.


The exam is getting closer and everyone still training hard, even after school. Sisipho is doing exactly this now, outside the dorms in the green area around the building. Due to the exam ahead being against a lot of other schools, she wants to be in the best shape ever, so she's doing some physical training from the Dora Milaje's.

Katsuki just arrived on the ground floor from his dorm after doing his homework and was about to go to the kitchen, but saw something suspicious ahead.

In the living room, Midoriya is watching something outside, from behind the curtain. Katsuki quietly approached from behind the boy and his eyes widen at the sight.

Darklight: !Soft Bakugou x !Black OC            (MHA FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now