"Hey, Max I'm Ellie." I put my ring-clad hand out for her to shake. She took it in her smaller hand shaking it. "Your Billy's Elinor? The girl in the picture?" I nodded my head. "That's me." She hugged me. "Thanks for taking care of him. I might hate him 'cause he's an asshole but he's my brother." Ruffling her hair as she pulled away. "No problem squirt now come on we gotta get on that bus." Leading her towards the bus that now had spare scrap metal blocking all entrances. "Is it true what Lucas told me about this lizard thing?" She asked as she slotted herself down on the floor between the seats as I took the row across from her. "Yeah I saw them and Dustin told me about them a while ago." She nodded still not believing it. "What about the part with the girl who had powers?" I gave her a smile. "El died Max but she isn't the only one with powers." Raising my hand the wisp of yellow energy wrapped around her leg making her gasp. "Don't tell anyone outside of our little friend circle." Winking at her.

"Does your brother know? Oh my god does Billy know!" She whispered as the others gathered on the bus. "Yes, he's known since my old man adopted me. Billy knows he showed up at the trailer all banged up and I helped him." I pointed out as it got quiet and the sun was starting to set.


"When are these things coming it's boring out here." Max quietly groaned before sitting up. "So you all really fought one of these things before?" She looked between me and Steve to which he nodded and handed me the lighter he was fidgeting with. "And your, like totally 100% sure it wasn't a bear?" Dustin stopped pacing around the bus facing her. "Shit don't be an idiot. Okay? it wasn't a bear. You still have the nerve to question us after Elinor showed you her powers, yeah I saw her show you. Why are you even here if you don't believe us?" Dustin questioned before going back to pacing around the bus. "Just go home." He mumbled. Max stood up and made her way up the ladder. "Geesh. Someone's cranky. Past your bedtime?" She questioned finally pulling herself through the top of the bus.

"That's good. Just show her you don't care." He turned his head towards Dustin completely missing the look I was giving him. "I don't." He spat as he stops pacing for a split second. "Why are you winking Steve? Stop." I whacked Steve in his chest making him groan.

"Will you all shut-" The sound of loud growling made me jump up and peek out the window. "Lucas what do you see!" I called out eyes scanning the area but the fog was too thick. "I got eyes ten o'clock. Ten o'clock!" I squinted my eyes as Steve pointed towards it. "There." The Demogorgon moving around. "What do you think he's doing?" Dusting asked as Steve and I shrugged our shoulders. I looked at it confused. "Guys he's not taking the bait." My fingers twitched as I watch. "Maybe he's not hungry?" Dustin implied. "Maybe he's sick of cow," Steve spoke up moving towards the bus door me following close behind him. "Steve? Elinor what the hell are you doing?" Steve took the lighter out of my hand and tossed it to Dustin. "Just get ready." Grabbing my hand the bat in the other opened the door pulling me out as I closed it behind us.

"You see anything?" Steve whispered as I put my hands up little whisp of green circling my hands. "No not yet but I got your back." Giving him a lop-sided smile. As we walked forward the chittering was coming from all around us as Steve started whistling. "Come on buddy...come on body." He started swinging the bat as I turned around walking backward watching from behind. "Come on its dinnertime y'all," I called out hitting Steve's back as we stood in the middle looking around. "Human taste better than a cat I promise." I elbowed Steve's back. "Why the fuck would you say that?!" I hissed out as movement caught my eye as one jumped on top of a car. quickly lifting my hands and lifting the Demogorgon throwing it as far as I could. Hearing the door of the bus open followed by screaming. "Steve! Elinor! Abort! Abort!" Seeing Dustin waving us back to the bus. "Hurry!" He screamed. "Steve be ready to run back to the bus." Throwing my hands down the whisp of energy lacing my hands now shot out around us sending the Demogorgon flying as Steve made a run for the bus as I followed right behind him. "They can't get in and even if they get in they'd have to go through me." Calming Max down as she ran straight for me. "Don't scare me like that!" the bus started shaking and the claws of the demodogs piercing the bus and walked along the roof of the bus as Steve and I look up ready to send the Demogorgon running. It opened its mouth and then looked up and away from us running away. "What the hell just happened?" Putting my hands down.

Finally got a chance to update

this. Elinor uses her powers to

protect Steve. Max and Ellie have

met and are getting along. if

there is a mistake please let me know.

- genyascumdump

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