The one with her driving lesson

Start from the beginning

"Isn't that self-explanatory?" She asks using her cute smile.

"Just do it." Dimitri says ready to jump out of the vehicle.

They are about ten minutes on the road when she starts repeating his instructions.

"Seatbelt, mirror adjustment, no texting." The last one was self-explanatory as well but she forgot it when Mason texted her.

"And never too close to the car in front of you. Just imagine that Lissa is sitting next to you ok?" He says and she nods.

"Precious cargo. Roger that sir." She says serious with her eyes on the empty road. And then she gets an idea. "But you are not as fragile as Lissa." She says with a smirk and starts accelerating.

"Rose." He says as a warning.

"No one's around Dimitri. What can go wrong?" She asks accelerating even more.

'At least she follows that direction' he thinks referring to slowly accelerating the car. And the next moment he latches on the grab handholding like his life depends on it.

"Plenty of things actually." He says pretending to be calm.

"Ok fine." She says and slows down. "You are lucky I love you." She says without thinking about it.

She doesn't dare to look at him until he says "That I am." All her insides melt and she almost losses control of the wheel. She's about to say something witty to relive the tension she herself created when a red lights starts beeping on the screen in front of her.

"That's nothing serious right?" She asks hoping for a no as an answer.

"That Roza is the fuel light. That would be enough to get us back home but since you decided to speed up now its running low." Dimitri says calmly. Way too calmly for her liking. 

"So... What do I do?" her voice barely a whisper.

"You pull over and we call for someone..." He says, "Just pull over. That's all."

"Ok." She simply says and she tries to focus on the task at hand. 

"They are taking their time." Rose says sitting on the hood of the car with her legs joggling in the air.

Dimitri doesn't respond. He's standing next to her with his hands crossed over his chest.

"You can't be mad at me over this." She says and he glares at her.

"Can't I?" he asks.

"I couldn't know about the fuel thingy." She rambles and flails her hands around. "That was your job." And then it hits her.

"You forgot to check!!!" She exclaims and he looks at her. "You told me to always check it but you forgot about it!" She says happily. The more he doesn't answer to her, the more sure she gets that she's right.

"Oh thank saints." He says and Rose turns to see a motorbike coming.

"You aren't getting away with this mister." She says and jumps off of the car as help arrives.

"Guess again." He says and greets the guardian that came to their rescue.

"Hmmm." She says.

"Rose?" He asks moments later already seated on their new ride.

"Maybe I should drive myself back." She says.

"Roza." It's all he has to say to make her jump at the back of the motorcycle. He wraps her arms around his stomach and in that specific moment she decided she has to convince him to teach her how to drive this thing as well.

"You'll never admit it." She states once they are back. She's getting of the bike and hands him the helmet she was wearing.

"Admit what?" He asks innocently still sitting on that bike.

"Maybe if I keep telling you 'I love you' I can turn your brain into a mousse and then you'll admit it." He smiles that sweet smile he only saves for her.

"Come here." He says and she obliges.

"Now who's crossing the lines?" She asks as his finger removes a strand of hair from her face.

"Tomorrow at the same time?" He asks.

"Maybe." She replies giving him a quick kiss and running away before he has the chance to say something.    

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