Chapter 3 - The Cursed Name

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_"Who are you and what do you want?" Ann asked suspiciously. "It was you who brought Gorosaurus here?"

_"Tsss... always the same questions, such boring." sighed the stranger. "You humans are incapable of being original."

Feeling great fear towards this man, Ann started to run but in barely a second the stranger moved supernaturally, effortlessly catching up with her and kicking her hard in the back, knocking her and Jia down. Jia rolled on the rocky hill, suffering from the fall but not having a serious injury. Looking up, she saw Ann sitting up moaning and facing the approaching more than confident stranger.

_"No... you won't touch her..." Ann breathed.

But the stranger completely ignored her, contenting himself with breaking her arm with disconcerting ease after grabbing her. Ann screamed and collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain under Jia's horrified eyes whose tears began to flow as the stranger approached and covered her with his shadow.

_"Okay... now you're coming with me." he said.

With those gruesome words, he grabbed Jia on the shoulder and disappeared with her into a dark vortex that materialized around them, in front of Ann in tears, hurt and helpless.

_"" cried the woman.

Meanwhile and unaware of Jia's situation because too focused on his fight, Kong had managed to lure Gorosaurus far enough away from the outpost and the two titans would now fight in the middle of the surrounding jungle and cliffs. Swarms of birds flew out of the trees and the animals fled in all directions before the face to face of the two giants.

Gorosaurus charged, roaring but Kong avoided the bite and swung his ax in the right side of his enemy. The allosaurus roared in pain, blood beading from its wound but with a violent headbutt pushed Kong back and he fell backwards and crushed a patch of trees. Gorosaurus leapt at Kong to try and bite his head off but the gorilla shielded himself and the dinosaur's jaws closed on his forearm, feeling the teeth pierce his flesh, making him roar in pain but at least helped protect his head.

The pressure of the jaw increased but Kong made him let go with a punch in the eye. Kong then grabbed Gorosaurus by the head and slammed it hard against the wall of a cliff, and continued in his tracks with several knees to the head of the allosaurus, crushing it ever more between his knee and the wall.

But Gorosaurus, despite the blows, regained his senses and now closed his jaws on Kong's knee, who again roared in pain and received a violent blow from his tail in the chest which knocked him to the ground.

Growling, Kong wanted to get up but was now knocked to the ground by several violent tail smacks to his back by Gorosaurus which prevented him from getting back up and bombarded him relentlessly with blows.

Weakened by all the repeated blows to his bruised back, Kong struggled not to fall unconscious, gritting his teeth and trying to reach for his ax that lay on the ground nearby. But Gorosaurus' shadow covered him, and the dinosaur slammed his foot down on the gorilla's back, pinning him down and making him suffer even more. Gorosaurus, in a position of dominance, roared and opened its gaping jaws to bite down and snap the neck of the King of Hollow Earth.

But suddenly, from the thick depths of the jungle, the ground began to shake, heavy and rapid footsteps approaching and the titan Baragon came roaring and charging, and with his forehead horn violently impaled the ribs of Gorosaurus who roared with force in pain and was pulled away from Kong who rolled away and saw help coming.

Then, from the air, spinning on herself thanks to hot jets issuing from the cavities of her shell, Gamera came to the ground, rearing up on her hind legs, roaring and from her mouth spat a torrent of infernal red flames towards the head of Gorosaurus that flailed and screamed excruciatingly, blinded and burned by fire despite its tough skin. Baragon backed away to avoid being caught in the furrow of flames too, his forehead horn covered in his enemy's blood.

TITANS 2150.3 - All Monsters War (Disney Monster Universe Phase 2 - Book 3)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum