Window Sill Update: The Chapter

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My daisies grow about a half an inch a day now. No freaking lie, it's insane. The brand is buzzy seeds if you want to grow some. As you can see from the picture, they haven't bloomed yet.

Now about my fly traps. The worm was either to big or had too much fat tissue and the head couldn't digest it so he's dying. I cri erytim. ;-; Otherwise he's fine!

Da heck is that weird one that looks like nothing? I planted strawberries! Seriously like ten minutes ago, too. So they aren't much. For now!

We also got a cactus. The flowers are fake, they hot glued them on.

That's all that we have now. Cool right? Oh! The strawberries are also buzzy seeds. Hope you enjoyed!

Kay thanks, byeeeeeeee!!

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