Chapter 26

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Childish Argument


Me and Nolan finished setting up our tent in less than 20 minutes. I was pretty good at it since me and my brother would always set up the tents while our parents sorted out everything else.

Three other duet groups finished before Denis and Louis. We all got 10 points and the rest that finished 10 minutes later got five and others that got it done later than 40 minutes later got 2 points. And then there was one group that didn't even start and they got 0 for no participation.

After finishing the tents, we were allowed to sort out anything we wanted to do. Nolan got out a little light and hung it on the small rope that hung from the middle of the tent. I set my bag in the corner of the tent where my feet would be as I laid the red sleeping bag down with a blue pillow. I would probably end up looking like some Among Us character.

"Iris-" Nolan started.

"Shut up." I angrily hissed at him and walked out of the tent. Denis and Louis were just chilling by the door of their tent, eating chocolate.

"Any left to share?" I asked with a wide smile carved onto my lips.

"Sure." Denis laughed and handed me three blocks as I bent down and did the Asian sit, munching on the three blocks of chocolate. Louis threw the last bit in the wrapper at someone behind me and I looked to see Nolan with a smirk.

"Thanks bro." He thanked kindly as he took a bite of the chocolate. I refuse to accept the fact that I need to share a tent with them. Which teacher in the world even allows that? He could r@pe me for all I know.

I shivered in disgust. I was reminded of Caden suddenly. He came to the trip and got grouped with three random guys I didn't know.

I looked over at him and he caught me staring, winking at me before I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Where you going?" Denis questioned curiously.

"To find a water tap. I want to wash my hands. It's full of chocolate." I explained, not looking back as I walk to the side of the house where I remembered seeing a water tap.

I found it and started rinsing my hands. When I finished, I wiped the water off on my pants and turned around as I came face to face with a devilish smirk.

"You." I hissed as I saw who it was.

"Still going to places alone? Have you not learned your lesson with everything happening to you? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Typical Iris. Always stubborn. Why don't I fix that for you?" He stepped forward but I made a run for it. I got pretty far until I tripped over a branch when I looked back over my shoulder to see where he was.

"Darn it." I winced in pain as I touched my knee where I got scraped.

I felt a hand grab my ponytail and pull it back as I grab onto his wrist.

"What were you thinking? To run away and tell someone? Let me give you a fair warning, love. You tell someone, I will hurt them." He whispered the last sentence into my ear before letting me go.

"Run along now." He ordered and I ran the moment I got the chance.

I ran back to our tent and collapsed onto the ground.

"Iris, you okay?" Denis worriedly asked, making everyone snap their heads toward me.

"Yeah... I was chased by some bug and fell on my way here." I lied, forcing a laugh.

I knew Caden. He was a bad person. I couldn't let him hurt anyone.

"That scared of a bug?" Nolan chuckled, but I sent him a glare instead which stopped him halfway.

It grew awkward. Like... extremely. But thankfully it was broken when the ranger called us for our next few tasks. It was some fun activities but I just had to be paired with Nolan, so now it won't be fun.

We had to tie our two feet together and run the race, but I fell halfway making us come in fourth place.

Then we had to jump together in big bags but I jumped too soon and pushed Nolan, letting him fall over as I fall with him, meeting the dirty ground.

Another game we played was having to jog 5 meters long to the other group mate with an egg on the spoon. Also a race. And I dropped the egg. Five times.

It grew dark and we all had dinner now. I wasn't that hungry so I just took a sandwich and went to the tent where it was peaceful and quiet. The only sounds heard were the crickets, toads, and wind blowing through the trees.

I finished eating and wanted to go into the tent but got stopped.

"What is your problem?" Nolan's voice disturbed the peaceful environment.

"You keep messing up every game and you ignore me when I talk about plans for how we're going to win." He explains furiously.

"Oh, I'm sorry that my clutz behaviors enrages you." I sarcastically apologized, rolling my eyes.

"Stop it! I'm tired of your behavior, Iris!"

"And I'm tired of you, Nolan!" I yelled back.

"For what!? trying to explain what happened last week or trying to have fun and be friends again!?" He raised his voice.

"All of you! Everything about you makes me mad! Your voice, your name, your personality, your presence, YOU!" I pushed my finger onto his chest and walked into the tent. I was beyond furious.

I heard him walk away and I started sobbing. Before I knew it, I was sound asleep in the sleeping bag.


Nolan pov

I didn't walk far after the argument. I stopped halfway and turned back to apologize but when I got to the tent, I heard Iris sob. I sat down and breathed out softly as I closed my eyes and listened to her weep. It hurt me badly. I wanted to hug her, but what was stopping me? Maybe because I was scared.

Yeah... scared.

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