"Why?" She started

"Why what?" I responded

"Why me? it's always me. Everything was going fine yesterday but now I'm in the hospital bed the next morning" her voice started to crack and her body shook lightly.

"It's not your fault"I told her

"Where is Six" she asked completely ignoring me.

"In OP right now" I can see some stress lift up her when I said that.

"Good, I don't want her to see me like this. You know what? This is too much. Too much for her, she is too young for all of this." Please, please don't talk like that. We need you.

"I'm sorry, if there is anything I can do for you-" I feel so bad.

"I want to go home, grab Six and take us home" her head was down and her voice didn't falter.

"Huh? Y/N please" Chopper pleaded

"Just for now, just until I can heal properly. Anything can happen over here and I don't think I can handle it." She explained

"But, they have access to your world as well. Anything can happen over there." I tried to explain to her

"I understand but with me here you guys cannot properly go mission or finish mission because you guys are so worried about me." She finally looked up and we all saw tears streaming down her face that Stein wiped off.

"We will always worry about you weather you're healthy or not" more tears fell as she looked away.

"I didn't even get to finish my training with Naruto and the others. I need to be at my best ability when I go against them. Plus people are coming in and out of here daily because of their injuries, I don't want to take up space, ya know" she smiled at me.

"*sigh* fine, whatever you wish. But I recommend you taking the meds you were given everyday. If you run out I will send someone to refill it for you. How long should she rest Chopper" Chopper walked over to the stool and stood on time of it to catch Y/N temperature.

"I'll say a week, but since we can only make assumptions on how this happened or what it is, it can be extended. Here Y/N, take these every morning" Y/N grabbed the bottle and smiled at Chopper Sweetly.

"Thank you Guys" she said looking down at the bottle.

"Anything for a friend" Chopper said jumping down from the stool gathering papers off the shelves.

" I recommend at least staying here for a bit longer to regain strenght." He added

"But not to late, at night is where is most dangerous" I said as Chopper and Y/N nodded.

Stein and Sakura walked backed into the ER with paper work with Tsuande following behind them.

"We got the results back" was all Sakura said.

All eyes were on them....

"When we cut her arm open it showed a blocking of blood, meaning the blood flow in her veins has stop and was replaced with yellow shining goo, I don't even know what that is. But that's why she was in so much pain this morning her body couldn't function without blood flow as well with something unusual in her body. " Sakura told us

"We also did a scan and saw that a yellow material, like a rock is centered in the middle of her heart, that's is what causing the blockage. We could do surgery to remove it but not until we get more information, we don't know how this thing functions or if this can end her life or not" Stein finished handing the papers to me.

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