"Hxh, it was from the fight with Hxh. She got hit with a beam straight in her heart trying to protect Ikalgo but she didn't die remember? Nothing happened, all her test came back normal. Maybe this, this was store inside her heart slowing torturing her" Killua walked through the door with hands inside his pockets.

Could it be?

I looked back at Y/N to she her breathing slowly.

"Did you guys run some test" they all nodded.

"Results" I asked

"Blood results isn't quite finished, but her check up was unusual. Her heart rate is high. Her oxygen is low and her BP is off the charts. Like I said, I haven't seen anything like this before." Chopper said

As we sat in silence we heard coughing following by choking. We quickly look and saw Y/N choking on her own blood.  ALOT. Stein quickly pushed her on her side grabbing a bag for her. The rest of them rushed me , Death the Kid and Killua out the room and requested for us to leave it to them.

Killua was in distraught, eyes shut tightly with a clearly bothered face. I grabbed his shoulder and rubbed it gently.

"Let's go to the cafeteria" he just slapped my hand way.

" I can't eat right now." He whispered.

I brought him close to my chest making him sigh out of frustration.

" I know, but you need to be with the others before something else happens. I'll go with you." I grabbed his wrist and dragged him with me through the halls.

We finally arrived in front of open doors.

"Tch, you can let go of me old man" he said walking into the cafeteria trying to look normal.

Gon ran up to us with a piece of ham in his mouth.

"Hi guys, where's Y/N" he asked as I looked at Killua giving me a 'no' look.

"She said she is not going to eat with us. She isn't feeling it today. Guess she partied to hard yesterday" Killua said to Gon forcefully smiling...

Of course Gon believe Killua.

"Okay" he said walking over to his table.

"If Gon was to find out he will probably go beserk" Killua said finally walking away.

It's been hours since I've seen Y/N, but her sister stayed in OP luckily. I was sitting in my office getting work done and sent teams on missions to distract them. It's been hard. I've been questioned 500 times about her. I just found out they decide to cut her arm open and get deeper into her veins. I just hope she okay, we haven't heard any results or news about her.

If what Killua said was right then they need to keep a close eye on her.

My leg bounced up and down nervously as I tried to finish my work. We need her.

There was a light knock on my door, I immediately let them in.

It was Stein.

"She's awake" was all he said

I rushed into the ER and saw her chatting with Chopper before turning her eyes to me.

"How are you" I asked walking closer to her.

"I'm confused but fine. Definitely better than what I was this morning" she barely had a voice, it wayyyyy raspier than normal.

"Just relax, we will have people come in and out to bring you anything you need" I said.

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