Young Devil Mixer

Beginne am Anfang

Sebastian: You do not mind if I sit here do you?

Sebastian: You do not mind if I sit here do you?

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(Just imagine her younger. You can do it)

She looks at me with a calculating gaze and is about to nod but I sit down before she does. She became irked that this boy would do whatever he wants.

Seekvaira: Its rude to sit down without my permission you know, boy.

I fain a look of surprise before scratching the back of my head and replying.

Sebas: Ah! I-I am sorry then. I did not mean you any disrespect.

She giggles at his behavior.

Seekvaira: Its all right. Now why did you come all the way over here? The party only just started.

I let out a sigh of relief before slumping down in my chair at her question.

Sebas: I am not really good with interacting with a mass of people. I get nervous and believe that I may make a mistake that would shame my family.

She nods in understanding. As the heir of her family she has a lot of responsibility's.

Seekvaira: I completely understand. As heiress and all. I would rather just stay at home and learn more about mechs.

This caught my attention. Acting like a shy boy until she said something she is interested plan works every time!

Sebas: Mechs? I happen to know lots about them! They are just so cool you know?!

With this she practically lit up and she lost her pervious cold demeanor and became extremely excited and enthusiastic. She literally has stars in her eyes.

Seekvaira: Really!? Tell me more!

She demanded and thus started a hour long conversation over mechas of all things. They would talk about their favorite types and almost everything else about them. After awhile they had to separate and continue to get to know their peers but its safe to say that Seekvaira made a new friend.

This is all just a ploy for me though. He has no interest in procreation, for I have complete control over my body and desires, and no desire for a heir. So to keep up the front that I will get married and provide and heir I picked Seekvaira as a sort of cover. After all I will be long gone from the underworld when the time comes for our marriage.

I then headed toward my other target and found in a similar area to Seekvaira. He Is standing out on the balcony and watching the stars while looking depressed.

Sebas: Hello there.

He looked back startled from the new voice and saw a boy a little younger than himself walk up to him. They looked similar with both of them having black hair and purple eyes.

Sebas: I am Sebastian Sitri. You are?

Sairaorg did not answer. No one ever speaks to him unless they are going to bully him.

Sebas: No answer? That's to bad.

I then stood right next to him on the balcony and we stood in silence. Eventfully Sairaorg could not take it a launched a fist a Sebastian's face. Though the boy just caught this.

Sairaorg: Why are you her!? You are here to mock me like all the others aren't you!?

Sebastian let go of Sairaorg fist and asked

Sebas: Why would I do that?

The former beal heir began to shake in anger

Sairaorg: Everyone does! All you people care about is status! So there is no way that you would talk to ME!

I faked a sigh and began my plan.

Sebas: Tell me, have you ever heard the tale of Yūhabahha, The Almighty?

Sairaorg became confused. He had never heard of that name or that title. But he sounding strong.

Sebas: I tell you then. Yūhabahha was a man born with nothing. He could not move. He could not see. He could not taste. He could not even feel. He did not feel fear though. The boy was strong willed if anything. The boy used that. He gained things with his will alone. He gained sight, hearing, taste. touch and even sight with just his sheer will. He did not stop there though. He continued forward. He became know as the ALMIGHTY for his strength. This goes to show that even those that are not blessed are able to still stand at the top.

Awe would not be able to define the look the boy was wearing. He could not believe such a story was true but by looking at the face of the speaker he could tell he was saying the truth.

I then began to walk away before putting my hand on his shoulder and stopping.

Sebas: Are you going to let you curse hold you back or are you going to prove all of these brats wrong? Keep this story to yourself.

I then walked to the door leading back into the party but turned my head back to see his contemplative expression.

Sebas: What would your mother want?

He jerked his head up and looked at were I was but he could not see me. He looked down at his hands before clenching them hard enough to draw blood. I then knew that my plan worked.

By using a changed version of Yhwachs story I have sparked a fire beneath him. Mentioning his mother made that spark a bonfire. I chuckled at what I have just unleashed upon the underworld. The council of elders will not know what hit them.

I then sensed a Longinus user in the underworld. I seamed to have missed him because of the strong ward over their. I should have payed more attention to it. Well I guess its time for me to acquire another one.

I then used complete hypnosis on the entire party including the devil kings and let towards the energy signature. What one will it be this time?

Well it does not matter.

They will All Belong to Me in the End

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