A Sudden Burden

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President Lee was listening to the report as he held his head in his hands. To escape the Soviet Menace, only to find a hyper-militaristic force that has a military that dwarfed the Red Army in effectiveness. "What do we know of this... 'Belkan Empire'?"

A CIA analyst walked forward before nodding. "We know that their Air Force, based on civilian com traffic, is their pride and joy, often championed to be the best of the best of their world. Their army is similarly organized to be mechanized. One could draw similarities to the Wehrmacht of the Germans from the Second World War in their formations that have been observed in combat. Their navy seems to be a balanced mix of submarines, screens, and capital ships, though no real carriers are present, at least by satellite imagery. But the presence of fighter jets in Stormwind's Territories indicates that they do have at least one carrier as well as an airfield set up."

Lee nodded before humming. "And WMDs?" The analyst shook his head. "Not that we have seen. Wouldn't be surprised if they existed." The President stood before looking at his SecDef. "Pull our forces from Stormwind to Tol Barod. I'm certain that we do not need to face them in an open battle. Also establish a defensive line in Hillsbrad, lest they try to push into Lordaeron hard."

"What of their equipment on the ground?" "Soviet-style. T-72s and the like. Though they seem to move a bit faster than our Soviet Counterparts." Lee stopped pacing before sighing. "Do not engage unless engaged themselves."

USS Yorktown

Yamamoto swore as he received his orders. He was about to send up a larger CAP over friendly troops when he was told to stand down. "What is the bigwigs thinking?! These damned 'Belkans' invade a nation in civil war, and we are to just sit back and watch!? We are handing them half a continent!"

The Aide sighed. "Admiral. We just absolutely devastated a world power here. But the Belkans apparently have equipment that can match ours. We are not in a position to fight effectively. Especially since most of the Marines and Army have withdrawn beforehand."

Yamamoto sighed before nodding. "Recall most of the CAP and have it protect the fleet." The aide nodded before leaving the cabin.

Over Stormwind City

The roar of F-18s over the city noted the American presence. But the thump thump thump of helicopter blades was intermingled as Black Hawks and Chinooks were evacuating the American servicemen, as well as some of the lighter equipment.

"Why do we have to evacuate again? We would just be leaving civilians vulnerable and a nation in chaos." A private spoke up, carrying a crate of small-arms ammo. "Because an empire that can match us technologically and potentially economically landed in the south, and the President doesn't want to start a war with a nation that could have nukes, Private." A nearby corporal spoke. "It's like the damned Cold War again with the Russians."

"At least we are leaving this backwater. We shouldn't have been bothering with being here in the first place. But now that we are, it seems the death was for nothing." The private quipped before shutting up by the corporal's look.

As the munitions was loaded up, a new series if jet engines roared overhead, with the emblem on the wings and fuselage in plain view: White, Gold, and Black triangle. The F-18s above, with their stars, moved to intercept, activating their active radars, as if to tell the Belkan aircraft to back off.

But what shook the moment was a sudden launching of munitions, not by Americans or Belkans, but by an American-friendly Stormwind crew. The 20mm quad AA guns opened fire upon the Belkans, whom banked away, only to have another Belkan jet roar at low altitude and fire a ATGM, destroying the emplacement.

With the close call, the Americans quickly withdrew from the area, leaving much of the equipment they were hoping to take back with them on the city streets.

USS Yorktown

"I'm sorry, what happened?" Yamamoto listened carefully. "No, we do not go back for the equipment. All of out countrymen have been evacuated. That is all that matters. The fleet will be returning to Tol Barad. The orders stand as far as I know and deem necessary." He placed the phone down before sighing. "That was too close..."

On the flight deck, the constant launching and recovery of aircraft was at an all-time high. With heightened tensions, all aircraft were on immediate standby for launch, and a sizable Combat Air Patrol was on station at all times. The Aegis and Ticonderoga destroyers and cruisers were constantly scanning the skies and below the waves for any vessels, submarines, or aircraft that might be a threat.

Wyrmrest Temple, Northrend

The seat of power of the Dragonflights, towering above Dragonblight, the graveyard of all dragons who passed naturally, all the aspects, minus one, were present. The sudden revealing of two powerful nations who have managed to outright upset the balance of power among Mortal Nations, and the absolute destruction of Stormwind's military, merited concern, especially in such short order...

"My vision did not account for two, but these kingdoms may be the very thing to defend Azeroth from a Legion Invasion." Nozdormu spoke, his expression unreadable. The three others exchanged looks before Alezstraza spoke. "But the amount of death these 'Americans' conducted in such rapid order, and the brutality of innocents by the 'Belkans' merits concern. If they can destroy a mortal kingdom in such a fashion, what can they do to our flights?"

Ysera sighed, shaking her head. "Their sudden appearance has effected the Dream. But what the effects are.... both beneficial and detrimental." Kalegos hummed. "We cannot ignore their presence, but we cannot fight them either."

Alexstraza grimaced before looking to the North. "Death itself has marched on this continent, and yet..."

"You are concerned that they are worse than the Scourge?" Ysera spoke, looking at her sister with concern. "Yes...."

"The Americans habe brokered peace between the Kaldorei and the Orcs, and made them allies, if not a 'tense enemy of my enemy' situation. Surely they can be reasoned with." Nozdormu spoke, his facial expression changing into one of determination. "And you may have the most success, Alexstraza."

The Aspect of Life fell into a long moment of silence before speaking. "I will go myself. The Kaldorei will most likely aide us in making our case to the Americans." With that she shifted from her visage to her dragon form before flapping her wings and flying off, leaving the other aspects to do the same to tend to their duties...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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