The First War Begins

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Note: This is not the First War between the Orcish Horde and the Alliance(Stormwind), even though the irony of Stormwind being the first target is not lost on me.

Two Weeks after the Attack on Stormwind, USS Yorktown

The Flight Deck was abuzz, after having been in port to resupply the spent munitions, fuel, and the new toys for the fly boys: The F/A-18 Hornet. Yamamoto chuckled as he shook his head. "They are going to have too much fun with those.."

His eyes drifted across the flight deck to an escort, the 16 inch guns shinning against the sunlight. The warship had been reactivated for war, but also to emphasize the 'Gunboat' diplomacy of the United States Navy: F*ck Around and Find Out. On the bow was BB-63, and the stern has the following: Missouri.

Yamamoto then looked towards the stern and towards several vessels, clearly designed for transport of heavier equipment, like the M60 Main Battle Tank and M113 APC. The soldiers were raising a stink about using the older design, especially when the M1 Abrams was just approved to replace the tank, and the M3 Bradley was nearing the end of development.

'Over fifty armored vehicles and over six thousands soldiers... With air cover from one carrier group... 70 aircraft... At least we don't have the Phantom IIs', the Admiral sighed before chuckling. "The Dogs of War has been unleashed..."

The Air Control Officer walked up. "Awaiting the order to begin ops." Yamamoto nodded before looking to the horizon, noting the series of land masses. "Tol Barad... Taking that would give us an island to bring in the Air Force and allow for a proper naval base that can handle a task force." Yamamoto nodded before continuing his observations of the flight deck."

Aboard a transport, the SS Saint Mary

The soldiers were slowly preparing for their operation. While the sheer shock of the battleships and air power should be enough to demoralize the garrison, the full force of the entire unit would still be brought to bear.

Aboard the USS Missouri

The fire control was active as the various members were getting targeting data, their targets were to be defensive emplacements, such as artillery and towers. HE shells should do the trick, but the presence of a few frigates got them reassessing threat levels.

"Fire control, weapon's status?" A lookout was asking, as he was relaying information on distance and elevation. "Shells are loaded, awaiting targets!" "First target, classified as Target Alpha One. Range: 13,000. Elevation: 0. Bring guns to 3-1-5." "Aye, sir!" The two forward main guns of the Battleship traversed, as the crew on the deck moved away from the area around the turrets, as no one feels like going def or just blown off the deck.

"Fire!" The guns, whom haven't seen any kind of combat in over 30 years, roared to life, the HE shells flying towards their targets. After at least ten seconds, plums of water and smoke indicating some shells missing, but more importantly, several shells hit their mark. "target ineffective, switch to new target, marked as Alpha Two. Range: 14,500. Elevation: 0. Bearing: 3-1-7. Fire when ready!"

After 30 seconds of silence, the guns roared again their deadly song, being received by more plums of water and smoke, eliminating the second and last warship protecting the island chain. "Fire control, naval forces non-factors. Prepare for shore bombardment."

In the air, the F-18s and F-14s, noting the sudden destruction of the two warships, shared some pangs of pity. "Just like Stormwind... just with a battleship." "Yeah... but we got a mission to complete. Prepare to engage." The F-18s rolled over before approaching designated targets, dropping their guided bombs upon barracks, depots, and inland artillery positions.

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