Establishing 'Peace': Darkshore

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Author's Notes: Between Facebook, Here, and other social media, Belka seems to have a close majority of 15 votes to 14 for Erusea. With that being said, I may actually make both enter. But who knows?

Two days after landings.

 A hastily constructed harbor and base was established, named Naval Station Alpha, with over 600 marines standing ready for engagement and with their own armor now present, and several destroyers for air defense. No combat has happened, nor any real contact outside of a few Night Elven civilians who took refuge inside the defenses.

General Marcus, for his part, was doing his best to figure out the strategic situation. To his north was hat he labeled 'Bows and Arrows', noting their lack of technology. To his south was 'Brutes and Pre-Great War Technological standing'.

Of coarse, the sheer disparity between the Marines and the locals alone was so extreme that they didn't need to really use too many assets. But the First Fleet is in the process of being recalled for refueling and resupply. That meant that the only air support was his Helis, and they couldn't really be used effectively in the woodlands.

On the Nimitz.

Hawthorn was on the phone as he listened to the other end. "I understand, Mister President. We are already heading back for refueling. The ships in the fleet are not the Nimitz, sir. I'll answer to the Council when I return to D.C. General Marcus has established a base and has landed half of his assets. He has his Apaches, but that's all he's got for Close Air Support."

"I understand. I will send an escort for the remaining transports." Hawthorn sighed before rubbing his face. "Just hold out for a little bit..."

Sixth Fleet, USS Enterprise CVN-65

Admiral Smith was looking over his most recent message from the Department of Defense. Sail East and be ready to support the First Marine Expeditionary Force under General Marcus while the Eighth Fleet sails back for resupply. "Send word to the Jolly Rogers! Tell them to immediately prepare for departure. Tell them they are to support the Jarheads!"

The Aviation Operations Officer nodded before making the announcement. Within minutes, the flight deck was cleared for flight operations, as the elevators whined as four F-14s were prepped and ready. After moments of final preparations, the flight took off rapidly, heading to provide the much needed cover that the marines needed.

Naval Base Alpha

A sudden explosion caught the attention of the marines as the Orcs launched a prepared offensive, with demolishers and air power. General Marcus glanced around. "I want the Fifth Squad and one Abrams to defend the hospital, and the rest to defenses! Get the Apaches in the air!"

Aboard one of the destroyers, the USS Laffey, was blaring its General Quarters. The Captain, Lieutenant Johnathan Banks, stared at the shore before growling. "Fire Control! Target the enemy artillery! Load Block IIs for anti-air operations! 5-1, load HE shells! provide direct fire support."

The destroyer, named after the TWO ships that fought in World War Two against Japan, roared to life defiantly, with the Five inch cannon firing incessantly towards shore, and four missiles shooting from it's deck into the night skies.

On the ground, Marines affixed bayonets before pouring lead down range, with the four Abrams that were available firing HE shells into the forest. The Apaches soon joined the fight, with Hellfire Missiles and auto-cannons providing a symphony of death and destruction amongst the orcs.

Then the four F-14s roared above, engaging the air power. The devastation was too much before the orcs blew horns to pull back again. The marines took the chance to regroup and reorganize, their ammunition minorly spent.

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