First Contact: The Alliance and 'Blood' Elves

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Naval Base Alpha

General Marcus, after almost a full week of negotiations, finally had Saurfang and the previous woman, now identified as General Shandris Feathermoon, sitting peaceably. He had the Treaty on the desk, carefully translated into their respective languages, as well as English/Common for comparisons. "Any questions?"

Shandris sighed, holding the Night Elven side's copy, before she stood, clearly something on her mind. "How will this treaty be enforced? Neither side will not trust each other enough to not accuse the other of violating, even if they are just trying to enforce the treaty itself?"

Marcus hummed before looking out to the harbor, with the USS Enterprise taking center stage in the bay. "We will keep an eye on it. We do have surveillance abilities that far surpass anyone in your world. The miracles of technology.... And if it gets somewhat hairy, we'll send aircraft to monitor, or even ground troops. Is that enough?"

Shandris hummed before nodding. "I believe that helps my side swallow it better than if no third party enforced it." Saurfang hummed before nodding. "Your technology has equalized, if not made the battlefield your ground. I honestly... hope you know that it will cause reactions the world over."

Marcus chuckled. "That is for my politicians to figure out, not a Marine just doing his duty." The two non-humans chuckled before they sighed their respective documents after Marcus signed both of theirs. "Pleasure working with you both. Hopefully it will lead to greater bonds." The pair left, with Marcus sighing, picking up the phone and dialing up the White House. "Inform the President that conflict is concluded. The Treaty of Darkshore is signed."

Washington, D.C.

President Harry Lee stood before the combined houses of Congress, at the podium. Both the Senate Majority leaders and House Minority leaders just lambasted his actions in Darkshore, and now he had to sell the intervention.

"My fellow Americans, Members of the House of Representatives, and the Senate, I'm sure you are aware of the conflict in Darkshore. And I'm sure, thanks to the Armed Forces Committee, you are aware of our military's mission: Establishing Peace. As of several houses ago, the conflict is concluded, for which both sides are satisfied."

The President took a deep breath before speaking again. "I am aware that many do not wish for us to be embroiled in conflict. And those on the other side of the isle would request peace at any price. but the United States has a unique position and responsibility: Protecting the Freedom of Prosperity and happiness of all humans, and any other race that opposes aggression without cause. America is uniquely blessed in this regard, and it is a responsibility, whether we like it or not, is one we must keep up. America was never gotten into a war when she was strong, but only when she was weak."

"With this in mind, I hereby request this Congress, and the American People, to continue their resolve in defending freedom. We cannot let this world rot while we look inward. We have the resources to sustain, if not expand, our industry, military, and Research and Development to help the American People, and by extension, the world. Thank you."

The combined Congress clapped in applause, though the air was full of tension. Many saw the words of the President as they were: The United States was to be the peacekeeping force, even more so than they were back on Earth. But many of those representatives were facing reelection, and their constituents had one thing screaming ahead of other issues: Defense against the Unknown.

Stormwind Keep

Due to the first interception of American Radio Waves over a week back, the Monarchy was doing their best to try to gain more information, but the speech came through, for which Varian and Magni were listening intently. "If ya' ask me, these Americans have done tha' impossible: peace between tha' elves and tha' orcs."

The Roar of the Eagles: Americaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें