Negotiations? Or Escalation?

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Six Days after the request for negotiations at Bolarus

The USS Nimitz, on task for air cover over the negotiations, was steaming in a southwardly heading, with the F-18s and F-14s being prepped for the extended on-station mission. Of coarse they heard about the sudden transference of their old rival, but they decided to keep a lid on it until after the conflict is resolved or they made their moves.

Forty miles to the south, the USS Wisconsin, aka 'Miss Temper', was steaming along towards Bolarus Harbor with six destroyers escorting her, including the KCS Kalimdor, a newly commissioned and the first of the fledgling Kalimdor Coalition Navy, and based off the Allen M Summer class of Destroyers. Admiral Johnathan Rogers, whom was the biggest advocate for the battleship restoration movement, was leading on the Ol' Whiskey. "ETA on arrival?"

"Sir, under our current speed and heading, we will arrive in a few hours. And the Nimitz is currently making final preparations for its aircraft." A comms officer spoke, with Rogers nodding. "At least we have the Laffey with us."

In Bolarus itself, Jaina and her mother, Katherine were discussing the future. "So the Americans tend to turn enemies into allies? Like they did with the Orcs?" Katherine mused. "To what extent they helped their new allies?" Jaina smiled slightly. "Mainly with rebuilding and training their armies into how to fight like Americans and with their older technology. Even the elves seemed eager to gain access. I have a feeling they will do the same to Kul Tiras if they so desire. I'm not sure about Stormwind, since they are in the midst of Civil War and Revolution."

Katherine nodded before sighing. "Then it may be prudent to invite the rebel leadership so they can also be apart of these negotiations. But I have a feeling the United States would make the same demands, if not similar." Jaina nodded as Varian walked into the room with his royal guard. "Lady Jaina, Lady Katherine, it is a pleasure. Hopefully these honorless bastards can be talked out of their war and listen to reason."

The king's outburst wasn't taken too kindly by Katherine, whom spoke rather bluntly. "King Varian, I understand that your forces have suffered. I lost my husband in an air attack by the Americans, but their reasoning is simple: world peace. No amount of magic can match their technological prowess, and resistance by us would be suicide, and we do not have a massive rebel movement within our lands and people."

Varian's face was red before the muffled thump-thump-thump of helicopters echoed within the halls. "Listen, you are a ruler, just as I am, but you must put your people first. There will be time later to mourn." Katherine chided Varian once again as the trio walked towards the entrance, the gate creaking open as the Lord-Admiral walked through. "Greetings, and welcome to Bolarus. I'm Lord-Admiral Katherine Proudmoore. To whom am I speaking to?"

A man in suit walked forward, his escorts remaining near the chopper except for two. "I'm Ambassador Steiner, representing the United States government and the Kalimdor Coalition. The Forsaken and Stormwind Republicans have requested that we negotiation on their behalf. I'm sure that is not too imposing, no?" 

Katherine nodded before Steiner continued. "My personal escorts are Major Ramirez and Corporal Smith of the United States Army. They will be present during the negotiations. I'm sure you understand." Katherine nodded before speaking. "Very well, Ambassador. I will be speaking for Kul Tiras during these negotiations. King Varian is inside, and he is speaking for the entirty of the Alliance."

"I understand, Lord-Admiral. Please, lead the way." Steiner nodded in affirmation before being led inside. After a short introduction period, everyone sat at a table, with everyone's escorts or guards standing at a distance, as to not intimidate anyone present.

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