C̰̃H̰̃Ã̰P̰̃T̰̃Ḛ̃R̰̃ ⓿❷

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"And this should be the end of our tour through the Academy." Shockwave stopped in front of a small garden with his servos on his hips, a grin on his face. He turned his helm to Flora, who looked amazed by everything around her:" Tell me if you have any questions regarding the areas I showed you." The young Femme perked up, blinking for some Nano-Kliks with her optics in a rapid manner before she scratched her helm in embarrassment, signing with her other hand in reply:" I think I have a lot regarding those." Shockwave laughed heartily, putting a servo on her shoulder:" Don't worry, you will find yourself around here in no time. And don't hesitate to ask, if you find yourself lost." FloraDawn nodded eagerly before she watched the scenery with the Senator. The Jhiaxian Academy of Advanced Technology...besides its name and the reason behind it being built, she couldn't help but wonder, what motivated Shockwave to do such a thing, despite his worries for Cybertron's future and eagerness." Senator", she signed, gaining his attention in a Nano-Klik. Shockwave hummed, turning his attention to her in an interested manner:" Yes?"" I cannot help but wonder, what motivated you, to build such a place, like the Academy." Shockwave was quiet for some Nano-Kliks before he replied:" It's to honor my departed teacher's good works. I strive to study to better my master's work. Thus, I began studying the secrets of the ancient Cybertron and amassing a thorough knowledge of the rise of the Thirteen and the first Cybertronian Civil War that saw their alliance undone." Flora looked amazed by his words." You are really determined", she signed to him. Shockwave chuckled:" It's a fraction of my passion for science and what I am doing, my dear. And I'm sure, with your help, I will accomplish more than I can imagine." The young Femme looked thrilled hearing this. She smiled brightly, signing her reply:" I won't disappoint you, Senator!"" I know you won't, Flora."

"Getting another pawn to work for you? On top of that, a Femme? You really are sinking low for a Senator, Shockwave."

Perking up at the voice, Flora turned her head. Shockwave averted his optics from the Femme in front of him and stared back into those of a mech. He had an overall red and orange paint job, that was mixed with blue, white, and yellow. He was as tall as Shockwave, if not taller than him, and well-built. His optics were shining in a shade of white, well, at least it was being mistaken often that way. His faceplate was holding a stern expression, almost disgusted by the sight in front of him. Shockwave narrowed his own gaze, not liking the other Senator's presence:" Proteus." The mech he designated as Proteus approached him and FloraDawn, stopping in front of them, mere inches away from the Femme." What happened to all of your students, Shockwave? Are they not valuable enough for you, that you had to get a Femme to do their work?", Proteus' faceplates held by now a sneer. He never held much of Femme's, especially when it came to Flora's case. They weren't as easy to manipulate as those, who weren't involved in scientific subjects and projects. Among the Senators, he was known to manipulate everything behind the scenes and benefit the Senate rather than Cybertron's people. Something Shockwave always disliked." As short-sighted as ever", huffed Shockwave, putting a servo on his hip while placing the other on FloraDawn's shoulder plate," I chose her because of her good accomplishments in work, not to do it for me." Proteus snorted, staring at Shockwave unimpressed:" Ignorant fool." Then his optics went to Flora, who flinched a little. He bends over to get a better look at her:" Fragile, small, according to my quick thinking, lower ranked than the rich but making good profit nonetheless because of your Sire and Carrier. If I'm not mistaken, you come from Iacon, am I right?" Flora merely nodded, gulping down the lump in her throat. Proteus huffed before he raised himself back to his full height, staring menacingly down at the small Femme:" You have to answer to me, when spoken to, Femme. Not merely nod or shake your helm."" She can't speak", stepped Shockwave in to Flora's defense."" That is no excuse!", boomed the much taller Senator, making Flora flinch. Shockwave glared:" Why don't you continue to bother yourself with something else, Proteus? I'm sure you need to get a lot of work done with what you have at your servos." The Senator huffed, turning on his pedes and left, leaving a tense air behind. 

Flora's Spark was hammering rapidly against her chest plate like it wanted to burst out and explode. Shockwave on the other hand had his servos balled into fists out of anger. But deciding not to waste his time being mad about someone so ignorant and short-sighted as Proteus, he turned his attention to Flora:" Are you alright?" The young Femme nodded, even when the shock and tension in her optics were shown clearly as a Cycle. He didn't blame her, either. She had every right to be so tense, if not even scared. He sighed, releasing some air from his vents, soon a small smile was making its way onto his face plates:" Let's go. I'm sure you want to see the laboratory, we will be working in together." Nodding eagerly, FloraDawn right away smiled brightly at the Senator, as she followed him through the hallways. Shockwave had to admit, this smile grew on him the Nano-Klik he saw it. So cheerful...he never saw someone so cheerful before and despite what happened with Proteus, FloraDawn still kept up her energetic self, as if she was not bothered at all by the negative. 

This kind of personality was only logical to protect...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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