When we came back up from being under the water, there was cheering from people and then a few others were jumping.

Kevin slipped on the rocks on the way up and took me out, causing me to smack my back on the rocks.

When I came back up, Sandrelly was sat down applying sunscreen.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"I hate that word. What's wrong?"

"I saw Ava today, Sammy's girlfriend. Diego thought I would know who she was and it just made me upset that I haven't spoken to him. We normally talk about our love lives with each other but this time, I feel left out. I feel guilty."

"Let's just forget about it, for today."

"You're not the only one feeling guilty." Said someone behind us.

I looked up to see Sammy stood there with a sad expression on his face. I knew it was him because Sandrelly had shown me a picture of the two of them.

He stood there with his arms open as he stared down at Sandrelly.

Sandrelly got up instantly and hugged him back. I didn't think Sandrelly was that short but compared to him, she looked tiny.

"I'm sorry. I should've texted. I don't know why I didn't. Thank you for trying to report Peter, I hope your hand is okay."

"I'm sorry too. I should've reached out. I can see that the bruises have gone down a bit. They showed me the video, it made me sick. I had to do something. Please tell me your okay." Said Sammy.

They both stepped backwards and had tears in their eyes as they laughed.

"See, I told you things would sort out. I told both of you." Said Diego.

"You must be Sandrelly. He talks about you all the time." Said this woman.

"I haven't heard anything about you but I can't wait to."

"Yeah. He said you talk about your love lives."

"Not in detail. Just how things are going and who we like." Said Sandrelly.

"I'm Jay, Sandrelly's told me a lot about you."

"Wow. Our other half talks about their bestfriend a lot." Laughed Ava.

"We're not dating." I said.

Ava pulled Sandrelly away and they started laughing together as they walked to the edge of the cliff.

"Don't break her heart." Said Sammy as he sat down next to me.

"We're not dating."

"I get that you might not be but I and everyone else can see that you guys like each other."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said as the two girls came back.

"She's a keeper." Said Sandrelly towards Sammy.

Sandrelly pulled me up off the floor and pulled me towards the edge as Ava did the same with Sammy. Sandrelly grabbed my hand and jumped with me. When we came back up, her hair was all over her face and she was struggling to sort it out at the same time as making sure her bikini was okay.

I wrapped my arm around her body and pulled her towards the steps so we were out of the way. I sat her on the step that was still in the water and held her head in my hands. I swept all the hair out of her face and gave her a smile when I could see her again.

"Thanks, Halstead."

"No problem. Do you want me to make sure your bikini is okay?"

"No. It should be fine." She said and started to walk up the stairs.

She slipped on the stairs but I swept my hand under her back so she didn't hit it on the edge. Her breathing got heavy as my body hovered over hers.

"Clear the stairs, lovebirds." Laughed Darren as he came up and pushed me to the side.

I let out a gasp of air as my back collided with the same sharp bit as earlier.

"Darren. Watch it. Are you okay?" Asked Abi as she looked at my back.

"Yeah. I will be."

"Jay! San! Hank's called us in." Shouted Kevin.

I got up quickly and pulled Sandrelly up with me as we ran up the stairs.

When we reached the top, we went into the make shift changing rooms that people had made out of bamboo and got changed into our clothes and lost the swimmers.

"We'll take Jonas!" Shouted Sandrelly as Diego threw the keys towards her.

We ran through the forest and got back to the jeep quicker than we did getting to the cliff.

Sandrelly sped off as Kevin read out the location we were asked to go to. She reached into the glove box and handed us our badges.

Adam was sat in the boot area because there was no space in the front but luckily there was a cushion back there as well as a handle for when we went round tight corners.

When we arrived at the scene, there were two coroner vans around and a shit ton of police around.

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