Chapter 32: Christmas Day [Part 2]

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Just then, one of the house elves came to stand in front of me,"Master Draco, Master Lucius requests your presence near the stage."

~Y/n's POV~

I look at Draco with puzzled eyes. We didn't think much of our presence would be needed this evening. But I guess we were wrong. He follows the house elf without a question as I watch him go.

"Don't worry," Blaise says when i go to find him and tell him that Draco's parents wanted him to stay with him, "they probably want him to address the guests now that he's of age and all grown up like Mr. Malfoy always does"

"I hope that's all that is,"

"So, have I told you how hot you look, cause damn," Blaise said, making me giggle.


"I really liked the present that you gave me by the way,"

"And I really like the fact that you're not wearing your staple suits cause this one's smoking hot"

"That's not a nice way to compliment somebody Y/n" Pansy said from behind Blaise, I strode over to her and wrapped my arms around her. Her hands gripped my waist. Daph cleared her throat from beside Pansy when we didn't separate.

"Forgetting about someone?" Daph said jokingly, but I saw the way her hand slithered around Pansy's waist, as if reminding her who she belonged to. I guess we know who the possessive one is.

"How could I?" I said, hugging her as well.

"Ah, just in time for the reunion, I see," Theo said. As we all started to hug again.

"But where's your boyfriend y/n?" Daph asks.

"Draco, who is very much not my boyfriend, was called by his dad," I said with emphasis.

"You knew who she was talking about, though," Theo said, nudging me and wiggling his eyebrows. His eyes wandered to my left arm, where my concealed dark mark was making me gulp.

"Oh shut up," I said, groaning.

"Mom alert," Pansy whispered, I followed her eyeline and saw that she was talking about my mother.

"Y/n, come with me," Mother said vaguely after greeting everyone.

"See you," I said to everyone. As I followed her, I realised that this was the same way Draco and the elf had headed as well.

My eyes found Draco standing there beside the stage, talking to Mr. Malfoy. And they scanned his body once more, as if I had forgotten how good he actually looked in that fitted emerald suit and tie with a black fitted shirt. It hugged him perfectly showing off his muscles and of course he was wearing his fucking rings. The fact that I had given him most of those rings, turned me on much more than I'd like to admit.

He looked at me with furrowed brows making me remember that something fishy is going on right now. And that I do not need to think about what he looked like without any clothes.

"Act like a pureblood" My mother said. But before I could ask her anything we had come to stand beside Narcissa- who looked gorgeous in the wine red dress- and all the chatter had died down.

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