Chapter 30: say my name again

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Disclaimer: 16+ content (warning before and after the scenes)

"Good morning, Narcissa. Please come in," Evan said. I had asked Narcissa to pick me up from Evan's, and here she was. Evan had known Narcissa since he was little, just like me, but the both of us hadn't really talked to her in our childhood.

"Oh no, it's completely alright, Evan," Narcissa said.

"No It is not, Y/n told me that you had denied her invitation when you dropped her off,"

"Alright, I'll come in, but just for a tea and chat, okay?"

"Absolutely okay."

She came in, and as Evan closed the door, she smiled at me, her eyes looking for anything out of the ordinary, making sure i was alright. Every time she does that, I feel like my heart is going to explode from the gratitude I feel towards her.

They sat down in the living room to chat as I went to prepare tea.

I was pouring tea into the cups when Evan came into the kitchen.

"So, Narcissa has some things to tell you,"

"And what would that be?" I asked them both, sensing the teasing tone in his voice as we walked back to the hall.

"That Draco seems to be a bit ill," Nacissa says.

"Is he having nightmares again?"

"Yes, actually, im not surprised though, without you there with him." Narcissa smirked, raising her eyebrows teasingly while giving Evan a look, which I don't want to decipher.

"Wow, Y/n, you seem to know quite a bit about Draco, huh?" Evan teased.

I roll my eyes, "Are you guys just gonna tease me about Draco, or do you guys have better things to talk about?"

"Oh, so you are just going to not say anything to justify that?"


"I told you, Evan, they both just act as if we don't have eyes," Narcissa said.

After chatting for quite a long time, along with me having to deal with all the teasing, we are now back at the Manor. I had just gotten out of the shower and ready for the day, and well, since I couldn't put it off longer than I already was, I went to his room.

"Hey, how was yesterday?" He asked, opening the door when I knocked.

"It was great, Evan and I had lots of fun," I said, closing the door and leaning against it.

"That's nice," he said, smiling.

"You know what's nicer?" I said, getting a bit nervous cause of what I was about to do. And before he could say anything, I kissed him.

It wasn't like the past ones we'd had. This one was sweet, with a kind of affection I hadn't experienced before.

"Oh, this is a 1000% nicer," he said against my lips as I pushed him away.

"Well, you've got to show me how much i mean to you too, don't you think?" I answered his unasked question.

"Oh, absolutely," he said, sinking to his knees in front of me.

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