Chapter 28: Desperate, are we?

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He moved his face closer to mine. My hands remained around his waist as his held my jaw gently. It was a kiss dripping with sweetness and hints of longing.

Just then, the bathroom door opened.

Draco and I scrambled away from each other as we saw who the person was.


And he wasn't alone, a girl, a beautiful girl with blue piercing eyes and long blonde hair was holding onto his hand. They both looked like they had been making out, and trust me, I know how Theodore looks like after making out.

"Theo," I whispered.

And at the same time the girl said, "I'm sorry, we'll go– oh you know each other! Hi!"

"Go," Theo said to her.

"What? How can you just—"

"I said, go."

Sh huffed, her brows creasing, but it seemed that she didn't want to be humiliated anymore, turning around and disappearing without another thought.

Draco had been completely silent this past minute and remained silent while Theo closed the door.

"Mate, I-" Draco started as Theo turned around. Draco looked guilty, and I just wanted to grab his hand to say it's gonna be okay, but I couldn't.

"Are you two out of your fucking mind?" Theo said his voice shook with anger but it wasn't the jealously type of anger it was the disappointment type of anger. The anger I would expect from my father.

"Mate, I'm sorry, I know I should've told you— asked you about this, I had to but I didn't cause we didn't know what was going to happen between us but I still should've and I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for that" Draco rambled and it was the first time I had seen him look at the floor.

"Do you really think that is why I am angry?"

"Theo calm down, we have got it under control"

"Yes, Y/n of course you have got it under control, living with you-know-who and everything"

I stay silent, for that was not something I had wanted to think about when it came to this. Draco it seemed had.

"The dark lord and any of the death eaters other than us can't come to the side of the mansion we live in, they are under an Unbreakable Vow." he said.

And hearing that made me so much more relaxed.

"Do you really think that that would mean that he won't find a way to spy on you all?"

"Theo mate, calm down, we have thought this through"

I looked at Draco and he looked at me.

'Have we?' I thought cause I knew he would hear.

'Shut up' he said in my brain as well.

"I just—you both know what happened last time"

"Yeah Theo and for that I'm very sorry" Draco said, "But I promise you, I won't let it happen again."

Theo just nodded. "Come on I think we should all head home"

"If we could find everyone that is" I said.

Draco snorted.


We are now back at the Manor. Before coming here we all had potions that don't make us look drunk and thus, there would be no suspicion. But as Draco and I had used his fireplace which was only connected to us five's we didn't really need to do that.

Her Secrets: A Slytherin Fanfic Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon