Chapter 17

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"One move down and one to go," Trevor says as we take the last of my boxes out of the car and into the livingroom.

"Thank goodness." I wipe some sweat off my forehead.

"Hey, you guys aren't done yet. These boxes won't just magically unpack themselves," Sara says as she enters the livingroom.

"We'll do that tomorrow. First we get everyone's stuff here," I say.

"Okay... Luckily I don't have this much junk, so my move will be quick and easy," Sara comments as she goes to sit in the sofa.

"Hey! It's not junk - it's memories!" I defend myself.

"Sure it is..." Trev gives me a smirk and a light chuckle.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to move in with the Matthews siblings. They always side with each other and turn on me.

Last night we didn't eat pizza just because they weren't craving it. Who doesn't crave pizza all of the time?!?

But I guess it's good that they are getting along. It sure as hell beats the alternative of them being at each other's throats.

"Well luckily that was the last box of memories so you can stop complaining. Do you want to go get your things now, Sara?" I slickly change the topic.

"Yeah sure, why not. I just want to make sure my friend is home so that we don't drive all the way over there for nothing."

Sara had been crashing with a friend for a while before Trevor found her at that bar. I kind of feel bad for her. She has had no one for the past couple of years.

"I still can't believe it," he sighs happily as we take a seat next to each other on the couch as Sara goes to the kitchen to make her call.

"Believe what?"

"That I'm going to be waking up next to the most beautiful woman in the world every morning."He grabs me by the hips and pulls me onto his lap so that I'm straddling him. He starts peppering my face with soft, gentle kisses.

"No, I'm all sweaty, Trev," I wine as I try to break out of his grasp. But he doesn't budge.

"I... don't... care," he whispers in between kissing my neck.

A shiver rolls down my spine and goosebumps spread across my skin. I finally submit and start leaning my body into his kisses.

God, this man knows just what to do to drive me crazy! I tilt back my head to give him better accessto my neck.

"Trevor..." I moan out of pleasure as he continues his enjoyable assault on my neck.

He sucks and kisses the tender skin of my neck. He then works his way down and nibbles at the extra sensitive spot above my collarbone. I grab a fist full of his hair and tug at it.

His kisses trail back up to my neck. He sucks on the skin just below my jawline which sends me straight to cloud 9. It feels so good...

But it's feeling good for a little too long... what is he doing?

"No, Trevor!" I exclaim as I push him away from me. How could he?!

He bursts out laughing while I rush to the mirror hanging on the wall to see how much damage he has done.

"Seriously, a hickey?! Are we back in middle school?" I ask annoyed as I stare at the red bruise colouring the skin of my neck.

"I'm sorry, baby. I just had to. I've never given anyone a lovebite before and this was the perfect opportunity." He smirks at me.

"Firstly, why is giving someone a hickey something that is on your bucket list? Secondly, how am I supposed to cover this up now?" I throw my hair over my shoulder in an attempt to cover the crimson mark.

"Firstly, you aren't supposed to cover it up." He gets up off the couch and joins me at the mirror.

"Secondly, I wanted to give you a hickey, because it shows everyone that you are already taken. You are mine just as I am yours." He takes away my hair and tenderly kisses the bruise he just made.

How am I supposed to stay mad at him when he says things like that...

I look at our reflections in the mirror and get an idea. If I'm as much his as he is mine... well then I want to mark my territory as well...

I whip around and start kissing him passionately. His mouth tastes like caffeine and everything that I love in this world.

My lips leave his mouth and and work their way downhis jawline. I place a few sloppy kisses on his neck, which earns me a few moans out of him, and then I go in for my revenge.

"What are you...?" He start to ask confused, but then he gives a gentle chuckle. He knows exactly what I'm doing.

"You mark me, I mark you, Mr. Matthews."

"All right, fair is fair." He tilts his head to the side and pulls my body closer to his.

I continue sucking on his skin and soaking up the heat radiating fromhis body.

"Done," I say nonchalantly once I'm satisfied that his lovebite is going to be as big and red as mine.

"You happy now?" He stares down at me with a smile.


"Good, now we can rest a little. I know that I definitely deserve it. Helping you move was no joke." I let out a giggle as he grabs me by the ass and lifts me up.

"My strong man," I say as I wrap my legs around his waist.

He walks us back to the sofa. He spreads out over the couch with me laying on top of him. I bury my face into his broad chest and soak up the peace and quiet of this little moment of perfection.


Hey guys! I'm really going to push to get this book finished before the end of the year. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I loved writing it because it's so playful and sweet. Don't forget to vote and comment. Until the next chapter...


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