Chapter 2

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Once I walk up to Kimberley's desk and see that she's not there, I let out a huge, relieved sigh. I know that she's my friend and that she only cares about my wellbeing. But there is no way that I can handle all of the millions of questions that I know she is bound to throw my way once she sees me. I don't have the energy to and I'm not in the right headspace to talk about what happened between me and Trevor yet.

I sprint to my office before I get the chance to bump into anyone. I close the door behind me and some part of me feels the urge to lock it. I don't want to lock myself inside - it's more like I want to lock the rest of the world outside. But I go with my better judgement and decide not to lock the door.

Once I'm sitting at my desk, I grab the first manuscript on the pile on my desk. Wow, there are a lot. They've really piled up since I've been gone. But it's a good thing really; they'll keep me busy. My mind can do with being preoccupied for a while.

But of course, two chapters into the first manuscript and my mind has already drifted off... back to that night at the hospital... back to Trevor.


"It doesn't look too serious. No concussion or any serious head trauma that I can see. But I think that it would be better to keep him over night for observation, just to be extra careful. He is going to be a little stiff and sore tomorrow though. He took quite a few blows to the body." The blonde man in his late twenties, doning a white coat says.

"Thank you, Dr. Wyatt. I was so worried that the damage would be worse." I look over at a sleeping Trevor looking very comfortable in his uncomfortable hospital bed.

"He was lucky. Look, we aren't going to pressure you for a statement right now. But we are going to have to talk to both of you tomorrow morning about what exactly happened. It clearly wasn't an accident Mrs. Matthews," he says giving me a sympathetic smile.

"I understand and I promise that you will have our full cooperation tomorrow morning."

The young, handsome doctor who looked so well after Trev finally leaves the room and gives me some time alone with Trevor. Although, it doesn't really matter much considering he's asleep.

I take a seat in the chair next to his bed and take his hand in mine while I really inspect the room for the first time since we got here two hours ago.

The air has this sterile smell to it and everything is  bright white, squeaky clean and shiny. Luckily Trevor's medical aid is one of the best ones out there, so he has a private room. But I guess that's just another perk of being the head of finance at your job.

"Hey," I hear Trevor's soft voice echo through the silent room. I immediately snap my head in the direction of his bed.

"Hey," I almost whisper back as I get up to give him a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Lay down with me." He pats the bed beside him and then scoots up a bit so that there is enough room for me to lay down beside him.

I gently climb onto the bed, careful not to jostle it too much, and lay down. I snuggle into his side and bury my face into his chest.

"Ouch!" he yelps. My bad, I must've snuggled too hard.

"Sorry," I whisper and then loosen my grip on him ever so slightly. I need to be close to him right now, if not for his sake then for mine.

A few seconds of silence pass before a small chuckle escapes his lips. "Did I hear the doctor correctly when he called you Mrs. Matthews?" he asks while taking a lock of my hair between his fingers to play with.

"Yes... It's sort of a long story but let's just say that they wouldn't let me stay with you if I wasn't family. So, do me a favour. If anyone asks, I'm your wife."

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