Chapter 7

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Now I understand why Hunter hangs out with these two. They are a riot!

My stomach is literally sore from all of the laughter. And the crows feet under my eyes feel even more defined.

It's already 8 o'clock at night, but it feels like we have been hanging out for a couple of minutes - not hours.

They some how managed to get Trevor off my mind for a little while and I'll be eternally grateful to them.

"So who wants to go another round?" Harry asks from his passed out position on the couch.

I think he might've fallen asleep during the last episode.

"Dude, I can literally feel my brain rotting from all of this nonsense we've been watching." Hunter smiles at me.

I'm snuggled up next to him and his arm is draped over the couch behind me. It is totally innocent though. We just got comfortable while watching a week's worth of episodes in a day.

"I kind of want to do something more alive and energetic now. Plus it's only eight. We still have the whole night ahead of us." Elliot stretches his long limbs out.

"How about we go clubbing! It's been a while since  us doctors have scored some pussy!... Wait, shoot... sorry Katherine." Harry must've forgotten he was in the company of a lady.

But honestly, I find his dirty mouth somewhat refreshing and hilarious. Guys usually act unnatural around me. I don't know if I give off an innocent vibe or something, but guys always treat me like fragile goods. Well I'm tired of it!

"You know what? Fuck it! You're right, Harry. Tonight the 3 doctors and the paid publishing intern are going to get some action!"

At first they seem stunned but then they start hooting and telling Hunter that he should bring me around more often. It seems that I amuse them just as much as they amuse me.


After they got ready at Hunter's place, we made a quick detour to my apartment before going to the club.

I got a few worried glances from Cal and Jeremy. Not that I blame them though. I too would be worried if my friend who is a girl brought home 3 guys at once.

But once I explained to them who Hunter, Elliott and Harry are, they seemed to be a little bit more at ease. But I know I'll be returning to an interrogation session when I get back home tonight.

"Can I just once again say that Katherine is looking smoking right now!" Harry says as he admires the way the red fabric of my cocktail dress clings to my every curve.

"Agreed! If Hunter didn't label you a no-go, I would definitely tap that." Elliott joins in on the teasing. Thanks to them my face is nearly as red as my dress.

"Wait, what did you just say? Hunter labeled me as a no-go?" I'm starting to get curious now.

"We'll let Hunter explain that one. Meet you guys inside!" Harry calls back to us as he and Elliott make their escape into the club.

"Well?" I place my hands on my hips to emphasise my curiosity.

"Well, it's a long story... Well, actually it isn't. I basically just told the guys you were off limits." He says none chalantly.

What is it with guys thinking they can treat girls -no, women - like possessions?

"Explain yourself, Mr."

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