First Act, Scene 1: Epilogue

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"So, what do you think, Scaramouche? You were quite different than now, for sure." The Primordial One 'paused' the world, "Too bad, too bad, you used to be so much more nicer."

"Tsk," He scoffed, "Being nice means nothing to me. I was wrong back then, that's all. And her? She also means nothing to me now."

"Really?" They smiled, "Tell me, why do you wish to become a god?"

"Huh? What's with the sudden question? You already know anyway, stop teasing me." Scaramouche grumbled.

"I want to hear it from you."

He sighed, "There's no point in arguing with you. I'll say it, then. I wanted to become a god in order to become a state of pinnacle existence. I wouldn't be an abandoned doll, I'd be a a greater form that awaits a gnosis! I'd become greater than the Raiden Shogun with such an item. If I were just a step closer, I would've destroyed the Traveller. No, they would've never had the guts to challenge me."

"Oh? Those little toys?" The Primordial One snickered, "I'm just teasing. Yes, a gnosis. How reasonable. I'll be cheering you on."

"Shut it."

"Bleh, rude."

"Just continue."


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