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I felt really sad today almost crying but I didn't I was really tired from staying up til 2:45am but I tried to take a nap but I couldn't.

I didn't really eat until ken came home with groceries jul kept asking if I was okay and of course I said yea.

I was on the phone with tori as I silently cried I quickly pitched my voice when she would talk or ask me questions.

I finally got up and went out and made me a sandwich I really hope tomorrow will be better I really need to clean my room but I have no motivation.

I feel like everything I do or did was wrong and made people not like me I just try to make conversation and tell them about how I feel.

But it just seems to annoy them and I understand why I don't really think I'm likeable which I'm trying to be better at.

I'm not trying as much in school which I really should because it's important if I want a life.

Today was crappy I didn't really talk and I felt that everything I said was wrong I hate days like these and I wish nothing but less of them.

Thinking about how I was abandoned doesn't help with loving myself I feel sometimes as it is my fault for everything bad thing in my life which I partly know isn't.

I will get better at this whole loving myself I know I will I can do this I just have to try harder.

A girl who didn't fit in the world Where stories live. Discover now