"Who's Right?"

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"Who's Right?" 

I always hate it when people in an argument ask a third party in frustration, “Who’s right?”

First of all, it’s not a matter of who’s right, but a matter of what’s right. Obviously, focusing on the self opposed to the object of the conversation shows a certain amount of pride that makes me sick. It shows that the conversation, quarrel or argument is not about finding truth, but about proving something to oneself or to the other surrounding spectators. "Who's right" should only be used in funny conversations and teasing with friends, or questioning someone's mental health. Never should it be used with actual conversation, real fights, formal debate, or scientific, logical, or theistic discussion. When it does, I get quite annoyed with how humanity copes with its own pride. Everytime it came up in the Presidential debates, I wanted to scream! *Sigh* Just sayin'. 

Secondly, this isn’t just applied to the simplistic and prideful minds and social structures of humanity, but to reality as a whole. That’s why people grapple not just was the math and logic of radical theories, but the radical theories themselves. It’s because we’re limited by our physical senses. We are tied down to physicality opposed to being free to know what’s truth. We can only accept the world as we perceive it, thusly if we didn’t perceive the world at all, we can accept not what we observe, but what is reality.

For us, ANYTHING we see and agree with isn't about "what's right" but "who (as in humanity and what it perceives) is right." I’ve always thought that’s why people can’t accept the concept of a deity, because we’re so vastly limited. It doesn’t matter to them what is, but what they think is.

Being a girl of science and logic, I struggle with the concept in such a way that it almost pains me to accept it. Science is about finding proof for something, then accepting it. I’ve lived believing that.  But what proof do we have of something we can’t see? This makes even SCIENCE obsolete. But I love science! I love logic! I kills me to say that on a deeper level, science and logic are inherently wrong. 

Gah. Making a point and contradicting myself in the same rant.

(P.S.- This happens way too often.)

RANT.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن