Chapter Five

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"Do you think he'll survive?" Isaak asked as we walked out of the basement classrooms 
"Why do you care man?" I asked 
"the first rule of this place is to get rid of our conscience" Nick reminded him while he continued to roll his eyes 

"mmm looks like someone is making herself at home now" Nick said grabbing our attention before nodding in front of us 
We all turned to see Aria stood there talking to another guy. Emmett, he was another Italian family member
"Last time I checked he was far enough up Vanessa's ass to be classed as conjoined" Isaak making me nod
"That was when Vanessa could give him the social status his family needs to remain relevant. She no longer can" I reminded them all 

The longer  I wanted this exchange the more it made it obvious that Aria didn't belong here. She's too oblivious, she can't see that the only thing Emmett wants is to make her into some sort of business deal 

But it's safe to guess that under no circumstance is that what Aria wants. She is the blind fool type, the one who believes in love, the one one who wants to be swept off of her feet
She would want to romance, the stolen glances
I just hope she knows she isn't going to find that in these corridors 

"That's sweet and all Emmett but I think I'll have to pass" Aria said as we passed them, her gaze landed on me for almost a second before Emmett stole it again by speaking
"All I'm asking is for one chance" He practically begged
"Begging is never a good look Emmett" Aria said once more before turning on her heels to walk away 

She was a few paces in front of us and it wasn't shocking to see how many faces turned to steal a glance at her as she continued to walk through the corridor
Aria was different then all of us. 
We were used to this life, this place. We knew what it entailed, we knew that sooner or later we were going to get our hands dirty
I'm pretty certain Aria has never had to get her hands dirty in her entire life 

"Where is she going?" Isaak said as we were almost out of Aria's sight. We were all heading to the canteen for dinner but clearly Aria had other plans in mind 
"Who knows with that girl" Nick shrugged opening the canteen door allowing the noise from the room to fill the corridor 


Tonight has been rather uneventful which says a lot for this place. Usually there is some burning feud, some annoyance. Something that'll draw anyone's attention in but for the first time since Aria arrived, it's been silent
"Where are you going?" Nick asked as we started to head towards the rooms. I shrugged turning to head the opposite direction
"Gabe!" Isaak called after me but I didn't seem to care at all 

I walked through countless corridors with no real destination in sight. The further into the corridor I got the more silent it goes

This place is rarely ever silent, there is always a whisper or a scream. But right now it was dark and silent, probably the most unsettling part of it all 

"Look who we have here" A voice said from behind me, I turned to see Vanessa walking out of one of the classrooms, there was a look of pleasure in her eyes. Like she had just done something she shouldn't have 
"What are you doing here so late?" I asked, not because I cared but something about this situation did not sit right at all

"Are you here to meet you newest toy?" She smirked, I tilted my head at her before narrowing my eyes at Vanessa 

"Calm down. I didn't do anything to harm a single hair on her head" She scoffed, I didn't dare believe that for a second. Vanessa has he claws out and she has ever since Aria even stepped foot into the building
"What is it about her Gabe? Why is she so much better then anyone else here" Vanessa asked taking a step towards me, he hand placed firmly on my chest as it travelled up my torso
"You could have anyone here by your side but yet your fascinated by the one person who doesn't want to be here?" She laughed
"The one person who would hate to understand who you really are" Vanessa added before looking up at me with a sparkle in her eyes

"We've been back and forth for years, your family and my family are willing to make the deal. All we need is-" Vanessa said before I cut her off

"We've never been back and forth and we never will be Vanessa. Our families can cut a deal as much as they like but I will not be signing off on it" I warned her
"no matter the consequences" I scoffed taking a step back hoping it would have given her the needed notion 

"You are a stupid fool Gabe." She growled making me chuckle turning back to look at her, she was losing her power and it was fuelling her anger. But the anger was misdirected 
"She isn't anything fucking special. She'll drop you on your ass the moment she is given the option to go back to her mundane life!" She practically screeched

"No matter what, you don't matter to her. She didn't want this life and she certainly won't stick around for it. She does not belong here" Vanessa said huffing and puffing in between each word

"Are you done?" I asked calmly, the calmness in my tone seemed to have an immediate reaction to her. It didn't calm her down it made her anger flourish 

"I'm just starting, she won't even recognise herself once I've finished with her" Vanessa said stepping towards me

"Is this what you've been waiting for Gabe? A girl so innocent that even a nudge in the corridor can cause her to cry. A girl so idiotic that being separated from mummy for a couple days sends her into a pit of depression?" She bit making me eyes narrow at her 

"You wanted a wounded lamb? A damsel in distress?" She chuckled

"I promise you, that is exactly what you'll fucking get" Vanessa finished pushing past me with some additional, unneeded force just to make her point

What that point was didn't matter, she wouldn't do anything out of the blue, she didn't have the bollocks to. She plays dirty
She'll get others to do the work for her and you can bet your ass I'll find out about it long before they get to Aria 

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