Chapter Six

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"Syn" my father's voice sounded the moment I walked into our family home. There were a few occasions where the school gave us the decency to leave the grounds. One of which being upon request of parents
It's easy for the men in the Academy to leave then the women. When they leave they need to have at least a Killer with them, so must of them never bother leaving unless they are spoken for 
If they are spoken for then more often or not they'll leave

 "Otets" I said taking a seat into his office
"I heard you had a run in with the new Bianchi heir. What are we looking at? Will she be a problem?" He continued making me roll my eyes again 

Dad's biggest worry is the Italian's coming after him. He's had an on and off again relationship with the Italian Mafia for years but Dad is always the reason it is off. 
There have been many occasions where Dad's actions have lead to bad things for our family but that was in due course of changing. Or at least that is what I've been told

"No" I answered watching as his gaze didn't falter, he wanted more then that

"Aria will not be a problem. She doesn't want anything to do with any of this, she just wants to get back to her old life. But I don't think Antonio will be allowing her to happen" I explained
"I think it is in your best interest to make peace with the Bianchi's and extend a olive branch to both of them in the hope that this won't cause you grief later down the line" I added, my father's facial expression was easy to read
He never had a good poker face especially not with his own flesh and blood

"Why would I do such a -" He started before I silenced him

"You might not like the idea of it otets however this is bigger then just yourself. Everyone will want a snippet of the new Bianchi heir, the faster you work the more beneficial it'll be" I reminded him

Aria was going to have people chasing after her left right and centre, she already does for heaven's sake
The moment that the news of the new heir travelled around the academy you can bet that it was travelling out here to
It wasn't hard bet to realise that Antonio had connections and they were all going to reach out to 'help' with Aria

"And what exactly do you propose we offer him syn?" He asked 

"Offer him her protection. The boys and I have already developed some ground work with the Aria, if Antonio permits we can easily be her escorts in that place, to the events. Then you'll have a firm connection with the Italians which is what you need isn't it?" I offered

Why I was doing this I wasn't certain on. 
This would not be something that Aria wanted, most likely the opposite if I'm honest
Was I doing this just at the thought of being able to get close to her?
Did Vanessa have a point last night?

There is something about her, something about Aria that is drawing me in whether I want to admit it or not
Call it whatever you want, infatuation, idiocy. I don't care
May it be her hatred towards all of us, the innocence to believe there is good in all of us, the fire in her words when she bites back 

"You would do that?" Dad asked shifting his seat
"With what angle? What do you and the boys get out of it?" He chuckled
"Isn't the game to find a queen, what better chance to open more doors then people seeing all of us protecting the newest pride a joy?" I offered making Dad raise a brow with a proud smirk on his lips 

"Ty syn svoyego ottsa" He chuckled.

You are your father's son. 
That statement was scarily true and for that, I hated it


By the time I got back to the Academy that evening, all the classes had finished. I was almost certain the canteen would be empty too so everyone would have retreated to their rooms or knowing some of them, they would have snuck out
Including all of my boys.

The corridors leading to the Rooms was almost silent however there was this mutter of piano keys playing. The deeper towards the noise I got the louder and more clear it got. Whatever this piece was, it was beautiful.
It reminded me of my childhood. Of the times my mother would sit with me at her side while she played the piano
My father would join us after hearing her playing through out the house. It was the one thing we collectively did as a family 

It was the only memory I have of all three of us that isn't purely tainted with blood 

I finally got to the room where the music was coming from, the moment I opened the door leaning against the frame. There was a small smile playing on my lips as I watch Aria of all people play 

Her long brown hair falling down her back as she played the keys delicately 
She had her eyes closed allowing the music to take replace her sight 
This was the most at home I had seen her the entire week she had been here 

There was a hidden motive behind this song, there was a memory here for her just like there was for me 

"that was beautiful lyubov " I said the moment the notes stopped filling the room, her bright blue eyes looked over at me, they were more hooded then usual, there were tears that had already spilled out and others that were attempting to make an escape 

"I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone came down here i- I'll go" She panicked grabbing her things before standing up

She looked over at me again, not muttering a word. Neither of us had said anything, we stood there for a moment glancing at each other before Aria bowed her head attempting to pass me 
But before she could, I gently leant forward grabbing a hold of her hand

"Can you play again?" I asked, she looked up at me. Her cheeks a flustered pink, her lips parted slightly a little stunned to speak. Her bright blues searching my eyes for a motive
The only motive she'll find would be a selfish one
"I uh-" She stuttered before looking back at the piano
"Okay" She whispered walking back over to the bench

Aria's eyes travelled to me again while I stood in the doorway, she looked over at the bench next to the piano before nodding signalling me to sit down. One signal I would always listen to.
I closed the door behind me before walking over to the bench but I didn't take a seat on the one she expected me to
I took a seat directly next to Aria, our arms grazing past each others the moment she raised them to play 

There was a delicate smile on her lips the minute that her fingers made contact with the keys, my mother was the only one I had ever seen possess that smile

I continued to watch her, the longer she played the more relaxed Aria got. The more herself she became
This entire time she had been putting on a front and only now was I seeing the real person that Aria was 
The one her mother raised. Not her father 

"thankyou" I said the moment Aria finished, she turned to me offering a small smile

"When did you learn to play?" I asked tracing my hands over the keys she had just been playing
"My nonna taught me growing up. My mum used to work late shifts at the diner so she would come over and we would lose track of time until mum got home and told both of us off" Aria said with a small shallow giggle
"It never matter. No matter how many times Mum told us off we would end up doing it the next night" She explained 

"My mother used to play for me before I went to sleep, my father would come in and join us as the night grew later" I confessed making Aria smile 

"I bet my nonna and your mother are up there playing together now" Aria whispered batting her eyelids letting her blue eyes fill with pure admiration. She had said the perfect thing even without needing to be told my mother wasn't here anymore
"You think so?" I asked and she nodded looking up 
"I know so" She smiled placing her hand on top of mine

I'd never been one to think about the idea of mum being somewhere where she could look down at us. We had all been programmed here not to think about that. Not to think about anything after it had happened 

"Whether you believe in or not Gabriel. She would be proud of who you are today" Aria said offering yet another smile 

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