Chapter Four

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I've never been one to hide away, in fact mum and I prided ourselves in our loudness. We've never be one to back down from a fight but the girls here are something different
There is a venom in their stares I don't care find out what their claws could do
Walking these halls alone I already feel like an outsider, there is no reason to emphasise that

"She's still here" A growl sounded making me sigh pulling my books closer to my chest. I've been here for 2 days and it's easier to say everyone hates me then to lie to myself

Uncle James hasn't spoken to me since, no matter how many times I call or text him. That Father of mine hasn't bothered with me either since he dumped me here

All I want is to go back to how things were, I want my boring tedious life back for the love of god. That is all I want.

"Oops" Someone else said but before I could turn to look and see who it was, my entire body was already hurtling towards the floor after a sharp pain attacked my leg
A squeal left my lips anticipating my contact with the floor but the tighter I closed my eyes, the longer I realised I'd landed into a pair of arms instead

"How nice of you to drop in lyubov" Gabriel's cocky tone said before pulling me back up to my two feet

"I uh, thankyou" I said bowing my head
"Fucking pathetic" the previous voice said making me look over to see Vanessa stood by the wall with an eye roll pending
She took one look at me and her smirk grew
I had heard all about Vanessa, she was the queen bee around her and I don't know what the hell I did to get on her bad side but I would prefer to not find out

She started to walk towards me with her little band of girls in tow but the moment she had passed me and stood almost directly next to Gabriel, he turned his body grabbing her forearm tightly pulling her backwards
There was a glare on his face, his eyes darkening the longer he looked at her

"Pull that crap again Vanessa and I'll make sure Daddy knows all about what his fucking Princess does behind closed doors" Gabriel growled before throwing her arm our of his grip

"Guess what they say about the Volkov's is true Gabe" She sneered making me tilt my head looking at both of them
"They are only loyal until a new shiny toy is around. Remember your place Gabe, you aren't anything here but a killer" She spat

"I think your the one who needs to remember her place" I said long before Gabriel could bite back, both of their gazes turned to me
"After all, isn't that why you don't like me? Because you married into this life and I was supposedly born into it" I asked before hearing Gabriel chuckle while Vanessa continue to glare at me, pretty certain had we been anywhere but a crowded hallway this would have ended a lot differently

But instead, much to my luck she growled, huffed and puffed before clicking her fingers motioning her girls to follow her

"Maybe you are a Bianchi after all" Gabriel smirked while I rolled my eyes
"I'm a Johnson. No Johnson takes shit from anyone" I said watching as his eye brows raised
"And she swears ladies and gentlemen there is hope for her yet" He teased making me sigh

I looked down at my phone again in the hope that James would have contacted me somehow but I was met with disappointment again. There has to be an update surely..

"Waiting for a booty call Aria?" He asked making my head shoot up instantly
"A booty call?" I questioned, how the hell was I meant to know what that means
"Sex lyubov I'm talking about someone calling you to have sex" He said with a dirty grin on his face

Those three letters should never met uttered. They are enough to make anyone cringe surely. I screwed my face only making Gabriel's humor overspill as he burst into laughter

"Little printsessa is too innocent" He smirked
"grugniti is too dirty" I rebutted only making the grin grow
"Are you ever going to tell me what Grugniti means" He asked and I shrugged
"I'll tell you the day you tell me what lyubov means" I said moving passed him to head to the next class

One thing I've learnt this week is that there is lot more to any situation then we let our blind eyes realise. I don't think I would have ever imagine this being the secret mum and James were hiding
I sat outside of one of the building as the sun was setting, this spot seems to be the only peaceful part of this whole Academy
The halls are always loitering with people, our rooms are usually full of obnoxiously loud noises, the canteen is usually smothered with hungry people and the classrooms host the tedious parts of the days

The moment I closed my eyes to take a deep breath in, the mobile in my lap started to ring making my eyes soon shoot open

Incoming Call... Uncle Jay

It didn't take me half a beat to pick that up and answer it
"Uncle James" I panted before hearing him clear his throat on the other end of the line
"Hey Tesoro" He answered giving me a small ounce of familiarity

"Please tell me I can come home" I said quietly watching a few students walk past
"Aria, please" He replied earning a sigh

"Have you spoken to Mum?" I questioned before the silence grew
"James" I asked again
"Aria, your father and I are trying our best to find her and I promise we aren't stopping but it isn't looking good" He confessed
"What do you mean it isn't looking good?" I questioned
"As you can guess the Bianchi name isn't a nice one. Your father and I have both taken blood from people, made enemies for life and it would seem that one of those have gotten their hands on your mother" He said making my breath hitch

I didn't care about this life, I didn't want any part of it and clearly mum didn't either. So why are we being dragged into it

"Why is this happening Uncle James? Why Mumma?" I asked feeling tears spilling
"I don't know sweetheart but I'll bring her back okay?" He said softly

"Is that something you can promise me?" I said, there was a tinge to my tone. One I don't like using but one I didn't have control over

"Aria don't make me make a promise you know is out of my control" He growled as I bowed my head

"What I do promise you Tesoro is that no matter what happens in this situation, no matter the outcome. You are safe, you will remain safe. I've got you okay?" He asked making me sigh

"promettere?" I said hoping that the answer would be the one I wanted

"promettere tesoro" Uncle James swore

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