Chapter Ten

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"I am going in there," Cas said. Fear replaced blood, pumping through him and filling him to the brim. Dean was in that building, and he was dying.


"Do not argue, Sam. Stay here. I will get Dean." He spreads his wings and in a blink was standing inside the burning building. He scanned his surroundings, looking for anything that wasn't fire. "Dean!" He called desperately. No one answered. No one except that voice.


He turned to see three dark figures, angel blades gripped tightly in their hands, reflecting the shadows of fire throughout the room.

"Where is Dean?" His voice had an edge to it, he wasn't going to play their games anymore.

"Somewhere," one of them answered.

"Move," Castiel said. "Now."

And move they did, but towards him, weapons raised. Castiel had never cut down angels so fast. But to be fair, they were merely mortals now. Human. It was almost unfair because they could barely breath with all of the smoke, but they had Dean. They had done this to themselves. He felt pain on his left side, a white-hot burning sensation that boiled his skin. He had never felt anything like this before. One of the fallen angels laughed at him and Castiel pinned him against the wall.

"What have you done?" Cas asked him, his voice blood curdling. The fallen angel continued to laugh at him but then Cas stuck the blade through his knee. The man cried out, laughter subdued, and looked up at the angel.

"Holy fire," the ex angel gasped. Getting his answer, Castiel killed him. He would have to deal with the burns later, it was time to find Dean.

"Cas? Cas!" The angel can hear Dean screaming. He moves faster through the flames, searching for any sign of his husband. One side of his body was burned and without medicine from Heaven, he was unable to heal himself.

"Castiel," he hears more voices hiss through the flames. He moves faster. They did this to Dean. They did it to break Cas.

He sees movement ahead and finds the hunter tied up in the corner of the building. He's gasping and writhing on the floor, suffocating from the impending, dark smoke and probably boiling alive from the intense heat. Castiel spreads his wings and prepares for flight, but that's when the building comes down on top of them.


Sam runs his hand down his face, waiting watching. He's just about to go inside when the entire building comes down. Sirens blare in the background, but Sam pays them no attention. Cas and Dean were in there. Hell, the angel could survive but there was no way Dean could.

"Dean!" He calls desperately. "Cas!" A fire truck pulled up behind him and a fireman pulled him back from the building.

"No, you don't understand, my brother is in there. He—"

"Sir, if your brother is inside, he's not coming out. We need you to step back so we can put out the fire," the fireman said.

"No, sir, please—" Sam tried but another firefighter restrained him.

"Step away, son." Police officers had also arrived, placing up barricades around the building and closing down the road. What was he supposed to do now? Cas had brought him here, and Lebanon was a good three hour drive from Topeka. Sam didn't have a car, and he didn't want to make Jen come to get him. Mainly because he didn't want to tell Claire and her that Dean and Cas were... No. Sam refused to believe that. Cas was an angel, he could have gotten Dean out of there in time. Unless Cas is dead.

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