Chapter Eight

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Just a quick note before you start reading. Sorry for my extended absence this past month. I became very busy with school, sports, and some things in my personal life. But, I finally managed to publish this bit. Sorry again for the wait, I'm hoping to have Chapter Nine up sometime this weekend. Enjoy!

"Come to bed, babe," Dean said. He was leaning against the door frame in a gray T-shirt and his boxers and was staring at Cas with those pleading puppy eyes.

"I just want to finish up some of the wedding planning," Cas said, scribbling down some notes on cake flavors.

"Cas, it's late. And tomorrow is Christmas," Dean whinned.

"I know, Dean. I just want this to be perfect."

Cas felt Dean's emotions swirling with happiness and longing. Dean walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around him as Cas sat in a chair.

"All I need for it to be perfect is marrying you," Dean said, kissing the top of Castiel's head.

Cas smiled letting his emotions mix in with Dean's. They hardly needed to communicate with words anymore. Cas lifted his head slightly and grazed his stubbled chin against Dean's.

"Okay I'll come. The cake can wait until morning."

Dean smiled victoriously and released him. Cas stood up from his chair and followed the hunter into their bedroom.

"Good morning."

Castiel opened his eyes to see a green leafy plant dangling over his face. Annoyed he pushed it aside only to find a smiling Dean staring down at him.

"Why are you suspending some kind of foliage over my head as I sleep?" Cas asked him.

"It's called Mistletoe, Cas. Merry Christmas." Dean leaned over and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"I don't understand why-" Cas said as Dean pulled away "-a plant is a reason to kiss someone, but only on a single day of the year."

"Is that a complaint regarding my kissing?" Dean asked.

"No," Cas said quickly. "I'm happy for the excuse, I just think your traditions are odd."

"You don't need an excuse to kiss me, Cas," Dean whispered in his ear. Shivers ran down the angel's spine and Dean kissed him again, this time longer. Cas grabbed the man's shirt collar and pulled him down onto the bed. The morning sex was lazy and sweet, Cas savored the feeling of his lover's body pressed against his own.

They walked out into the main room where they had put their Christmas tree. Sam and Claire were already sitting in front of it staring at the lights and presents underneath.

Sam had recently started dating this nice girl named Jen. Cas had only met her once but she and Sam seemed to share a lot of similar qualities, which was a good sign. Dean had mentioned to Cas privately that Jen reminded him of Jess. Cas's knowledge of Sam's last real girlfriend was fairly limited. They met at Stanford and were in love. Sam was going to marry her and then she died at the hands of the demon Azazel. Sam still blamed himself, which didn't seem necessary to the angel. He was in no way responsible for Jess's death.

"Presents?" Sam asked hopefully and Dean laughed.

"I swear sometimes you still act like you're ten," Dean said.

Sam rolled his eyes and picked up a gift under the tree. He eagerly passed it to Dean who raised an eyebrow.

"Just open it," Sam said. "It's for you and Cas."

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