Chapter One

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I am not the owner of any pictures or illustrations used for the purpose of this story. All characters and ideas belong to the writers of Supernatural. No copyright intended.

Castiel stood alone in the center of the old barn. Its once painted wood was faded and dry, he suspected no one had been in here in a long time. The ground was covered in a layer of dust and it settled on the top of his shoes as he paced. The angel was nervous and impatient waiting for his death to come, but he knew Dean would be here soon enough to give it to him. He sensed that he was close.

About a week back, Dean had gone out to do a hunt by himself insisting that he just needed some time to be alone and think. Sam thought that would be good for him, but he demanded that Dean kept him up to date with everything that happened. It wasn't anything complicated, according to Sam. Just burning the bones of some ghost and he would be headed back to the bunker. But Crowley found him, and in his possession he had the First Blade. And he gave it back to Dean. The hunter was furious by the demon's ignorance, but Crowley forced the Blade into Dean's hand only giving him further incentive to kill. And that is exactly what Dean did. He was scared and before he went dark side, he called Sam and left a voicemail. Castiel could still hear his trembling vibrato as he choked out every word.

"Sammy? Sam... It's me. I've done something bad, Sam. I-Crowley-he found me a-and he b-brought the Blade. He... he gave it to me and I just lost it. That bastard. He's dead, Sam. I killed the son of a bitch. And you know what that means. Find Cas, stay safe. I can feel the Mark starting to take over again. Just remember I love you no matter what, okay? Cas you too. I don't want to hurt either of you. Tell Cas... tell him I'm sorry. And Cas, if I try to hurt my brother you need to take me out, got that? 'Cause I know Sam won't do it. Please... I don't want to be that thing again."

That's what Cas should have done. Once Sam played that voicemail, he should have flew off and tracked down Dean and killed him. It's what he wanted; he just wanted it to be over. But Cas couldn't do that to him. He couldn't do that to the one man who, no matter how bad things got, always stood up for him, was always there for him, and who was always supporting him. Castiel couldn't do that to Dean.

But instead, Cas carted Sam off to a remote island in the Pacific that was hard to get to if you didn't know the right people or if you weren't an angel. Sam wanted him to stay. He didn't want them going off alone, especially now.

"Cas, why don't you stay? It'll be hard for him to find us and when he does, we can try to help him. And if that doesn't work... we'll do what we have to."

"Sam he can track me. I'm an angel and no matter how many wards we put up, he'll find me. The least I can do is have him follow me around for a while and distract him. We know the order he'll hunt us in. I could get us both killed if I stay."

So he left and ended up here. It was the barn where he had first been properly introduced to Dean Winchester (Hell had been pretty informal in the way of introductions). Castiel had burst through the barn doors, then Dean and Bobby began firing rounds and rounds of shotgun shells into him. The lights blew out as he walked towards them, sending a shower of sparks to bounce off his head and shoulders. When Castiel had revealed what he was, Dean didn't believe him. He had no faith. That was the problem with Dean, he always needed proof before he could accept something.

Castiel could almost smell him now. His scent was unpleasant, cloaked under the mask of demon smoke. He was getting closer.

If this is where he would die, Castiel wouldn't mind. In fact, it almost seemed right in a way. He had lived for a long time and truth be told, he was tired. Tired of failing, tired of watching the people he loved get hurt, and just tired from having no strength, no Grace. Castiel wanted peace.

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