Chapter Four

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  • Dedicat lui my wonderful readers, you guys are amazing

Dean sat across from Charlie who was drinking a beer. He had a glass of whiskey in front of him, but hadn't touched it. The bar was crowded and noisy. Some guys were playing pool and others were trying their luck with the women. That used to be Dean. He used to be normal like that. But now he just really needed to have a talk with Charlie.

She had finally shown up today after he and Sam had called her a couple weeks back to catch her up on some things. She had been hunting for a cure for Dean, but Cas had beaten her to it. Since everything was fine with the boys, Charlie was going to hit a comic con and some other places on the way back to the bunker. The kid was odd, but Dean loved her like a sister.

"Sooo what'd you want to talk to me about that you won't talk to Sam about?" Charlie asked taking a sip of her beer.

"It's about Cas," Dean said.

"Ooooh what'd he do?" She leaned forward to listen.

Dean explained what had really happened in the barn. He explained the kiss and how all of the tension between them had slipped away. He mentioned some other things that had happened, his feelings for Cas, and his uncertainty in explaining the situation to Sam.

"So you're banging a gay angel," she clarified and Dean threw her a look, "and you don't want to explain to Sam that you're gay."

"I don't think I'm gay, I still like women."

"So you're bisexual, that's fine too."

Dean put his face in his hands. He was trying not to get frustrated. He wasn't mad at Charlie, she was just trying to help. He was mad at himself. He was mad that he was like this. Why couldn't he just be normal?

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Charlie asked, her voice softening.

"It's just so..." Dean couldn't finish the thought but Charlie seemed to understand.

"I know. It's hard and different and people don't understand but you'll get past all that. I did," she said, resting her hand on Dean's arm.

"How did you tell people?" Dean asked raising his head to look at her.

Charlie laughed a bit. "Well I figured it out after my parents were gone, and by that time there was really no one to tell. I just have always acted this way, I guess. I show it loud and proud."

"That you do," Dean agreed.

He wished it could be as easy for him as it was for her.

"Just tell him, Dean. Sam will be fine with it, I promise. You're the most important person in his life. And anyway, he knows there's something up with you and Cas."

"What? How do you know?"

"He confided in me," Charlie said, taking another sip of beer. "He said it was my job to 'figure out what's going on'. Well I did that so now it's your job to tell him."

"I just..."

"You just what?"

"This sounds stupid, but I'm kind of embarrassed, you know?" Dean said.

"Dean, Sam will understand. Do you think this is going to tear the two of you apart?"

"Well, maybe."

"You telling him won't do it, but you not telling him will. He'll understand, trust me."

Dean sighed and downed his whiskey all at once. He was glad he could talk to someone about this before he had to talk to Sam. And Charlie was probably the best person for that because she had been in this situation before. She knew what to say to reassure him.

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