Chapter Five

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Sam was drinking a beer and reading a book when he heard something buzzing on the table next to him. He glanced over the pages and saw that Cas's phone was ringing. It was Claire. He reached over and grasped the phone so he could answer.

"Hello," he said into the receiver.

"Castiel?" he heard Claire ask.

"No, Claire, it's Sam."

"Oh, uh, is he there?"

"No, he went out," Sam told her.

Which was true. He went outside with Dean and they were on the roof, gazing at the stars. It was something Sam thought Dean would never do. He wasn't a romanticist who insisted on star gazing every night. But Cas wanted to so that meant Dean wanted to.

"Where?" Claire asked.

"Somewhere with Dean, I dunno," Sam said, growing impatient with all of her questions. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"No. Just tell him to call me."

Sam heard the sound of a dial tone on the other end and sighed, hanging up the phone. That girl really had to get over the hate she held for the two of them. Sam could understand why she had it, though. Sam and Dean were part of the reason that Jimmy Novak, Claire's father, was dead. At least she had forgiven Cas, that was a step in the right direction.

Sam leaned back in his chair and continued to read. He wondered if he should go out and tell Castiel that she had called. Sam didn't know that they were even keeping in touch, he wondered what would drive the girl to call him. Maybe it was important. Unable to shake the uneasy feeling surrounding the situation, Sam stood up to go and find Cas and Dean. They'd been alone long enough, anyway.

Sam could see their bodies lying on the roof. One of their arms was outstretched, pointing at the sky. Sam cupped his hands around his mouth.

"Sorry to bother you," he said, "but Claire called. She said that she wants to talk to you, Cas."

Instantly Cas was standing in front of Sam with Dean at his side.

"Damn it, Cas, a bit of a warning next time?" Dean said.

"Sorry," Cas said, but he didn't sound so sorry. "What did she call about?"

"Uh, wouldn't say."

Cas squinted and tipped his head a bit, the way he did when he was thinking. Then, he turned around and walked into the bunker. Sam and Dean followed him curious about why Claire Novak had called him.

Cas picked up his phone and pressed Claire's name in his contacts and held it to his ear.

"Claire, you called?" He said.

There was a good minute pause, but Cas's face gave no indication of what she was telling him.

"Alright, calm down. Where are you?" Another pause. "California? Yes I can be there."

Cas's face scrunched up like he was irritated. He opened his mouth to speak and then closed it again.

"I know, but they'll know what to do. I'm bringing them."

Another pause and Sam thought he could hear Claire yelling through the receiver.

"No objections. I will be there soon."

Cas hung up the phone and massaged his temples. Dean put his hand on the angel's shoulder and waited for him to speak.

"Claire is in some trouble," Cas said.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"She... I guess she went camping with a few individuals and some of them disappeared. There was some kind of an animal in the woods. They ran out to the nearest town but not everyone got away. I suggested to her that the two of you would be able to figure out what is was, but she made it clear that you weren't welcome. But I'm almost positive it is some kind of a monster and I need both of you," Cas explained.

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