Chapter Two

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Cas woke up the next morning with Dean Winchester lying on his chest. Cas had his arms wrapped around him and there legs were intertwined. He loved how right this felt, how Dean seemed to fit perfectly in his embrace, making him feel whole.

Although, Castiel didn't remember how he got here. His head hurt and he was extremely dizzy even though he had not moved.

What happened to me? He wondered.

All Castiel wanted was to be an angel again. He wanted to reunite with his brothers and sisters in Heaven and he wanted his Father to come home. But, strangely enough, he wanted something new as well. Castiel wanted Dean. He wanted to be back in Heaven but at the same time he wanted to stay on earth with Dean. This is how Castiel knew he had gotten too close to the humans, he was at the point where he wouldn't mind staying forever. But if he got his mojo back, he would be able to visit Heaven and carry out at least some of his angelic duties. But the real question was, would that even be allowed? Cas guessed not.

Dean started to stretch and roll off of Cas's chest. Cas smiled down at him as he opened his heavy eyelids.

"Morning," Dean yawned.

"How did you sleep?" Cas asked.

"Like a baby," Dean answered. "How 'bout you? Are you feeling better?"

Castiel puffed out his cheeks and let the air slide out between his lips, unsure how to answer his question. He would not feel better until he had his Grace back, and he feared what may happen to him if it was not returned.

"I am feeling more rested. But I am not feeling any stronger," Cas said.

Dean tried to hide his worry with a smile, but he failed. Cas could see right through him.

"How about some breakfast? I'm sure Sammy is wondering what we're doing."

Cas nodded. "Sure."

As they reached the door, Dean put his hand on his arm.

"Hey, uh, Cas..."

"Yes, Dean?"

"I haven't explained to Sam our, um, relationship yet. So if you could just not say anything for right now-"

"I understand, Dean, do not worry," Cas said, cutting him off.

Dean smiled. "You're amazing, you know that right?"

"You've given me that impression before," Cas answered.

Dean chuckled and they walked out to find Sam. Cas saw him sitting at a table in the library leaning over a book. His hair drooped down, obscuring his face. He really needed a haircut. Sam looked up when he heard them coming.

"Hey," he said. "How're you guys feeling?"

"Better," Dean said. "But I could use some breakfast. Mind if I go whip somethin' up?"

Sam shrugged and Dean walked towards the kitchen. He had gotten really into cooking lately.

"How about you, Cas? What happened last night?" Sam asked.

Castiel sighed and sat down across from him. Sam looked concerned, which he was still getting used to. Cas wasn't accustomed to sympathy, angels don't really excel at the whole "feelings" thing. But humans had so many emotions and so much tragedy and pain in their lives, he was still getting used to it. They had obtained the ability to try to understand and help those going through rough times. Castiel had always watched this from afar but had never actually experienced it until he came to earth again six years ago.

"I'm better than I was. But I am still not functioning satisfactorily. I won't be until I get my Grace back," Cas explained.

"You lost consciousness. Was that normal?" Sam asked.

The Angel And The DemonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora