The room of mystique.

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As you step into the darkness, you feel the chill run down your spine. The air is thick with an eerie silence that makes it hard to hear anything. You strain your ears to listen for any signs of movement or danger, but there is only the sound of your own heartbeat pounding in your chest.

You take a few cautious steps forward, your hand still clutching the key tightly. The hallway seems to stretch on forever, with no end in sight. The darkness seems to be closing in on you, suffocating you with its oppressive weight.

As you make your way through the hallway, you start to notice strange shapes in the darkness. You can't quite make out what they are, but they seem to be moving, slithering around you like serpents. Your heart begins to race as the shadows start to take on a life of their own.

Suddenly, you hear a sound that stops you in your tracks. It's the sound of something scraping against the floor, coming from up ahead. You can't see anything, but the sound is getting louder, closer. You try to move faster, but your legs feel like they're made of lead.

Just as you start to panic, you see a light up ahead. It's faint, but it's enough to guide you forward. You quicken your pace, your heart pounding in your chest as you approach the light.

As you get closer, you realise that it's coming from a small room at the end of the hallway. You reach the door and push it open, stepping inside. The room is small and cramped, with barely enough space for you to stand.

But what catches your eye is the object in the centre of the room. It's a large, ornate chest, made of dark wood and studded with gleaming jewels. You walk over to it, your heart racing with anticipation. 

As you reach for the key, you notice something peculiar about it. It looks almost identical to the one you found in the previous room. You start to wonder if these keys are connected somehow. You shake your head, trying to clear your thoughts, and pick up the key.

You make your way towards the door, still feeling uneasy about what's on the other side. You insert the key into the lock, and turn it. To your surprise, the door doesn't budge. You try again, but it still won't open. You look at the key, and notice that it has a small inscription etched onto it. It reads, "Only in darkness can the light be found."

You look around the room, trying to figure out what this could mean. Suddenly, you notice a faint light coming from underneath the table. You make your way over to it, and find a small lantern. You light it, and the room is illuminated in a soft, warm glow.

With the lantern in hand, you try the key once more. This time, the lock clicks open effortlessly. You push the door open, and step into the darkness.

The hallway is long and narrow, with no visible end in sight. You take a few tentative steps forward, and suddenly the door slams shut behind you. You turn around, but the door is gone. There's nothing but darkness in every direction.

You feel a cold sweat forming on your brow as you realise that you're trapped. You start to panic, your heart racing in your chest. But then you remember the inscription on the key. "Only in darkness can the light be found."

You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down. You remember the lighter in your pocket, you take it and light it up. The hallway is still dark, but now you can see a little bit further ahead of you.

As you make your way down the hallway, you start to notice strange markings on the walls. They look like some sort of ancient language, but you can't decipher them. You keep walking, hoping that you'll find a way out soon.

Finally, you reach the end of the hallway. There's a door, but it looks different from the others you've seen. It's covered in intricate carvings, and it emanates a strange energy that makes you feel uneasy.

You take a deep breath and try the handle. To your surprise, it turns easily. You push the door open, and step into a large, circular room. The room is lit by a single candle in the centre, casting flickering shadows on the walls.

As you make your way towards the candle, you notice something strange. The shadows seem to be moving on their own, twisting and contorting in unnatural ways. You start to feel dizzy, and your head starts to spin.

You reach out for the candle, hoping to steady yourself. But as soon as your hand touches the wax, everything goes black...

                                                             ▌│█║▌║▌║ ??? ║▌║▌║█│▌

As everything went black, you felt a jolt run through your body, and then suddenly, you were falling. It felt like you were plummeting through the void, with no sense of direction or control. You tried to scream, but no sound escaped your lips.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. You landed on a cold, hard surface, and the world came back into focus. You were in a new room, with no visible exit, and a strange device in front of you, it was holographical.

You couldn't believe what was happening. Was this some kind of virtual reality game, or had you actually been transported to another dimension? You looked around, trying to take in your surroundings, and that's when you saw the chat window on the screen in front of you.

It was filled with messages from your viewers, all of them wondering what had just happened. You realised that you were still streaming, and that your audience had witnessed your sudden disappearance. They were eager to know what was going on, and you couldn't blame them. "Eh? How is screen in my eyes when I don't have my phone in-front of me to see the stream.."

You took a deep breath and tried to steady your nerves. You had faced challenges before, but this was unlike anything you had ever encountered. You knew you had to find a way out of this room and continue your journey.

You walked up to the device in front of you and examined it closely. It seemed to be some kind of puzzle, with buttons and levers that needed to be manipulated in a specific order. You started to experiment with the controls, trying to figure out how to activate the device.

As you worked, you noticed that the chat window was still active. Your viewers were providing suggestions and offering words of encouragement, and you began to feel a sense of camaraderie with them. You knew that you weren't alone in this strange world, and that your fans were counting on you to succeed.

With renewed determination, you focused all your energy on the puzzle in front of you. The device responded to your efforts, and soon you had unlocked a hidden compartment. Inside was a key, which you quickly grabbed.

Without hesitation, you searched the room for a locked door, and soon you found one. You inserted the key into the lock, and it turned easily. With a sense of relief of passing the thirtieth room, you pushed the door open and stepped into the next room. 

The Hundred Doors | A Roblox Doors FanFic. | REMAKE ON THE WAY!Where stories live. Discover now