⇚ The Second Coming ⇛

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~ 𝒪𝑀𝒢 𝒥𝐸𝒮𝒰𝒮 𝒞𝒪𝑀𝐼𝒩𝒢 𝐵𝒜𝒞𝒦 𝒯𝒪 𝐿𝐼𝐹𝐸?!? 𝒩𝒶𝒽..𝓈𝒶𝒹𝓁𝓎 𝓃𝑜𝓉, 𝒶𝒸𝓉𝓊𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓇𝓊𝓈𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽..𝒪𝒽 𝓃𝑜

You are currently in the newest room, room nineteen. It obviously had similar decorations..a wallpaper, which had a matte colour, with quadrilaterals, symmetrical to eachother with the same size and shape, plastered everywhere. Even the placements of the board was similar to eachother, diagonally placed with an X shape to be seen in the middle. You peek around the area, nothing much except a few drawers, though on the left side of the room. Something peaked your interest?

"Oh-ho?~ I guess we found the next paper to the lore.."  You walk towards the drawer with a small stool, that could be sat on and sat on it. You place your bag down and place the paper you found earlier into your entry into the building, it matched the other sheet.. "Alright.. time to start reading the next sheet. I guess this is to explain what the hell that tentacle shit was? Because it seems like everyone in chat hates it, except some person called...you know what? I'm not even going to mention your name its terrible, DISGUSTANG!" 

"Hello, if you are reading this, you have passed a dark room. A dark room is a room which has an abundance of darkness and not much light. So make sure to watch your footing. So you don't per say, fall down the stairs...well you probably did but I may have jinxed it. Anyways, you probably encounted a new monster...we call it, screech.. uhh screech is an annoying little toddler, who can be heard by a 'psst' sound right around your ear, it can also produce fake ones that will be heard further a way..so make sure to differentiate where it came from. Anyways, screech does almost half health damage, and you can only fend it off by turning in all direction quickly, and stare at it for a few seconds, before it screeches you in the face and disappears.." 

You take a breather, you had just read a whole paragraph. You turn the page... "Hope you survive.. - R.H.. Alright so that's his initials? Then what's this on the bottom of the pa- oh no its Rick Astley. You can see his pose and the rotation of his hands, they sure are a good artist... Well, lets see if the other pages have something else..." You take out the two other sheets. They have different initials.. "J.C and J.M? Alright then..but wait, there are a few highlighted letters..seven of them, and in order, its..was this all a red herring? Top Gear reference? Seriously?" You chuckle. "Atleast they got a damn sense of humour, but that was a waste of time.."

"Funny guy, funny guy.."  You pack your bag back up, slotting the sheets of paper back in the slot that was in the back of the bag's main zipped compartment, sipping some water.. "Alright let's continue.."  You get up from sitting on the stool, stretching your arms and back. Sitting on small objects is annoying. "That's enough stretching, let's get back to the job at hand..."  You cross over the X, opening a locker to collect the coins. Before going over to the north east quadrant of the room to open the door.. 

You are at the door, opening it. it creaks open, a large hallway could be seen..it was much longer than the length of those key rooms you had seen. It had windows, and lightning struck outside. You could hear the crackling lightning bolts and the water droplets dripped down the windows. "..This looks...medieval."  You say, admiring the view. It was majestic. "How the fuck can they even maintain this and not get rid of those annoying runts? Man fuck Detroit."  You lean over towards a window. "Well the view is decent, though I hope we can see a better looking room soon..."  You open the locker beside the towering window. 

The windows were at the very least six feet wide and over a dozen feet tall.. You gain a few extra coins. They aren't spectacular, but they sure are a good reward to find. Maybe you could get another accessory like a lockpick or something. "That would be good, wouldn't it?" You say to yourself. "I wish I had someone else with me, I mean you guys do half count but someone that I could actually see..I feel more lonely than I am back home..Whatever.."  You decide to yourself that you will go in a zigzag pattern. The main reason is due to there being several drawers that are on opposite sides of each-other. 

"God damn, this room is larger than I thought, if there are rooms larger than this. God knows how I will get out of here if I don't die from starvation... how long has it been..? I remember a few doors ago it turned twelve.. wait. ANOTHER HOUR HAS PASSED BY? Speaking of food, I hope there is like a food court since I know some hotels do have that.."  You sigh, shoving the coins into your bag.. "What a drag."  You open another one, empty with just a sheet of paper.. "Hm? Alright this seems like another one, though why here? Seems like a diary of some sorts.. alright I guess that means that we have more of some sort of lore.." 

"What should we name this guys? The sheets? Man this feels like the fucking backrooms, am I not supposed to be here? Because it sure is weird how nobody knew about this, or that they died. Probably that is the reason why.."
  You say. Opening up your phone, you have another donation, but this one is interesting.. "I knew there was something strange about detroit.. a friend of mine went missing a few years back, we don't know why, but it was said that he went into a hotel which went around the names of Hotel Chester after getting a work position as a sort of nightguard...I am pretty sure that this was it, as his final message involved something like 'I don't know what that sound is, but it sure doesn't spell good news..' Well, I hope you get out of this place alive.."

"Hotel Chester huh? Well damn... that place you mentioned, this is what it is.. I guess I am screwed if I don't get out of here as soon as possible eh?"  You place your phone in your inside pocket that is in your uniform.. You zip the pocket back up. Shoving your hands in your pocket. "Should I have dropped out? Meh who knows, I mean my parents didn't agree for obvious reasons but, was there a point of staying at all?"  You ask yourself, walking towards the next drawer, taking the coins and hopping over to the next one, the job was easy only when you had the freedom to do stuff, and not be chased down by entity's that would kill you.

"This place kind of feels like a game, like something I shouldn't have found and started recording..it feels off in a way. I mean, the notes are specifically placed in some sections whilst in others there is nothing. Also the doors always point in the right direction. It feels like I am just a spectator in the minotaur's' maze."  Opening the door, you expect nothing much, but well, obviously there has to be a room, but this time, it was just a long set of staircases "Bro I fucking hate stairs, and there are multiple paths? Bro that means this shit is just trial and error.. god damn man.."

You begin on the left most stair, seeing as it was the shortest, though it may not lead to anywhere, you still need to check.. "So there are five staircases... this is the shortest whilst the right most is the second.."  Each step is grueling, it feels like you are weighed down by a crate that is just on your back.. it takes what seemed like hours but you finally reach the top, but there is nothing there, you glance on the right most one and there's nothing there too.. 

"Well great, that gives a one in three chance its up that staircase...I would not like to go up there..Though I think it would've been best as I could easily see which it is..." You sigh, getting onto the railings and sliding down.. "Woohoo!" You jump off into a front-flip. "Alright I guess it's the best idea for me to like do a guess or..do some polls, right? Left, middle or right.." You make a poll on Youtube, as after several minutes, you finish it.. "Damn five thousand huh?" You click on the showing results..as soon it could be seen that the right staircase was taken...

"Oh thank the heavens that it wasn't the middle, though that still is going to be a lengthy walk..I hope you guys are right.."  You face up towards the right set of stairs... Walking up this set of staircases, you don't feel as tired as you are practically backed by the majority of people. Now, each one feels like a step to victory, and as you reach the top..you see it, the plaque which contained the number to the next door... twenty two, you don't know what is next...but it gives you bad vibes.. "Crud man, this gives me bad vibes but whatever.."  You open the door, and as expected, the lights flicker.. 

"SHIT!"  You look around quickly.. you see nothing in the room, except there! A closet.. You start running towards the closet, you hear Rush start moving and run faster, you jam open the door, shoving your bag into the closet before getting in yourself and closing the door as shut as you can.. Your breathing is erratic and could be heard.. "Phew..."  It rushes past you, it roaring down the hallway and disappearing by the next door. That is when you notice the effects of Hide taking place.. "Aw fucking hell.."  You grab the bag and barge open the door. "If I stayed any longer, I would have definitely been injured.."  You say, setting your bag down and sitting next to the closet, taking a breather.. "I survived the second time, and I am now almost a quarter of the way there..." 

The Hundred Doors | A Roblox Doors FanFic. | REMAKE ON THE WAY!Where stories live. Discover now