⇚ Roulette for coins.. ⇛

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~ 𝓞𝓱 𝓶𝔂...𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓷𝓮𝔀 𝓬𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓼 𝓪𝓶𝓪𝔃𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓘 𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓽 𝓰𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓪 𝓵𝓲𝓮..

Even in your slumped state, you know you only have two jobs..one was maintaining the stream, and the other was survival..you knew that even a few wrongs would lead to an almost death.. sliding back up, you pop back on your backpack. "Heh..I have survived two of those suckers , more will probably come, unless I just get like a mini boss in like ten doors since well, I'm almost a third of the way through too.." What an annoying coincidence that could be, you thought. "Huh another spike? fair enough.."

You start walking, it still slightly scares you when he comes, but it feels like the more he does, it will be built into like muscle memory.. you didn't memorize the room, so you might as well check it..who knows, maybe something was inside of the room, maybe something useful or a tip off.. maybe even another chapter of the diary.. you look around.. "Eh? I think I have seen this layout.." It is one where there are two lockers on either side of each other, but there is also a small hallway, with a locked door sadly and another door that can be opened..

"Alright then, I guess the key must be in that room, because there is sadly no locker in sight.." You look down to see broken shards of glass from the lights that broke from its appearance. Each one was sharp and deadly, you can see the spike of its edge.. 'it sure is deadly..' you thought, A carpet was draped on the floor in an L shape, though that L shape was backwards and more like a J with only one arch.. The lights were destroyed with the spark still producing empty electricity with no bulb to light.. the half than a dozen lamps were all destroyed..

"Such tremendous force.. Would have definitely died from it, I must say.." You pick up a piece of glass and instantly drop it, some blood dripped from your finger tips. "Whew, that is sharp, thank god I didn't hold it for long.. it did hurt a bit so I guess that meeting him would be instant death.." Star shapes scattered the wall in a cascade of patterns, felt as if you were in the corridor between heaven and hell, the glass acting as mis-steps on the stairway to heaven, whilst the rag served as the light.. You thought, no matter..you should get on.. you start walking towards the door and open it..

When you open the door.. you see a bed, a drawer, and a set of chairs, there can be heard the glistening of the keys, but so can be seen a piece of paper. "Ah so another sheet of paper is here.. I see, I see.." Not caring about the key for now, you take out the sheet of papers which you have binded together, and would you know it? They are all the same writing.. "What is it now? Maybe the fact that these guys were in a group.. I suspect something bad happened since there has been no event yet excluding the second time that dude came in.."

You place the several sheets behind the new one, looking at the new one..

"Dear Diary.. I hope you are still alive dude, though you probably are when you are reading this, anyways, you must be wondering why there is another sheet of paper.." 'Fair' you thought, I mean that was a question you thought of, anyways you should get back to reading it.. "We found out the true capabilities of these monsters, and they are terrifying, we had just passed the room previous to this and unexpectedly it came, we didn't know they came multiple times, and found out that only one person could occupy a locker.."

"We sadly had four members, two of us got in lockers, I got inside the room fast enough ducking under the bed, but the other dude..he wasn't lucky enough.. he was already tired and well..it mowed him down and we could hear his wailing...we couldn't do anything but wait after it disappeared. After, we saw the atrocity, his body was destroyed, it looked like he had just got hit by a truck driving at full speed hitting a deer.. the only thing intact was his bag.. We left his body to rest, but took his items to a homage, may he rest in piece.. he was a great friend, we knew him since high school, but he was struck down by death itself.."

You finished reading, it was disturbing and sent chills down your spine.. "What the hell.. holy shit that'd be traumatising to see, especially since it was a friend he had since high school? Man I feel bad for this dude.." You pick up the sheets of paper, placing back into chronological order, there are now four or five..maybe by the end there will be a full story... what intrigues you is the text on the back..

'Rn Vj a2 lu Zy Bo ZW xs LC BS aW No YX Jk IG p1 c3 Qg ZG ll ZC Bh bm Qg am Vy ZW 15 IG lz bi d0 IG Rv aW 5n IH Nv IH dl bG ws IG 1h eS Bp cy Bo b2 xk aW 5n IH Vw IH dl bG wg Yn V0 IH dl IH Nl cm lv dX Ns eS Bu ZW Vk IG 1v cm Ug Zm 9v ZC Bv ci Bl bH Nl IH dl IH dp bG wg ZG ll Li 4K'

"Is this a type of code..? No wait, it does ring a bell what this looks like, whatever.. I hope you guys understand this.." You display the full text there for a few minutes.. some have copied it down.. "You place the sheets back in your bag, they are no longer needed, getting the key from the drawer, you notice it has the number twenty six.. "Ah so this is the right key..twenty six is just outside.. there we go.." You are outside, placing the key in the lock.. it fits. It's snug but a little rusty.. this place does look a century old with all these rooms..

The door finally opens, the fresh smell of a new room always surprises you.. not needing the key, you place it back where it was found, there would be no point to keep a key which has no purpose.. you get back to the door, it is still fresh as you had not passed it..  "Ah I wonder what this is, though the amount of new rooms will probably be less eventful. You look at it.. "Yup, just what I thought, nothing much..though you can probably find something.." There are several drawers, a dozen filled the room even if it was smaller than most you had encountered..

"...This will take a while man..but we might as-well do it because well, coins and resources..imagine like an item that can make you run fast or unlock rooms.. That'd be a life saving device especially if it is a locked dark room." You say, it may be a well earnt guess though.. You open the first drawer, five coins.. well that isn't so much but maybe the next will be.. three coins? that's worse.. but the one after..that's weird.. "What is this? Like a drug or what.." You held a plastic bottle.. 'vitamins.' it said on the wrapper..

"This may be useful.." You place them in your bag, and it was full too.. but you will definitely need it, because it looks like a good item, I mean well it could be that idea you thought off.. You open a few more lockers, an extra twenty five coins, and a golden bar.. well that was good I guess.. Another few drawers pass by with ease, they contain slightly less, but is still worth while the time spent..

You soon reach half a dozen drawers opened, an extra few coins were found, you now have reached two hundred and fifty golden coins and a few golden bars... "That is a quarter of a thousand damn.." You say before opening the rest in a few minutes, over-all it took you around ten minutes to collect every coin, and you gained sixty in a well spent ten minutes.. "Whew...all the drawers are done, and I have amassed a good amount of coins too.

You zip the bag up.. placing the rucksack on your back. Tightening the strands. "There we go.." You said, it felt heavy, heaving on your back. You stood in front of the door...you try to open it but..it has some resistance.. "Nah.." You start trying to push on the door open, but to no avail. You place the bag back down.. "Twenty seven bloody open!" You walk a few steps back, before running at it and barging the door. "AH FUCK!" You shout, it hurts like hell as debris lands along the corridor, some also hitting you.. your right arm is a vibrant red..

"Crap.. at least the door is open right?"

The Hundred Doors | A Roblox Doors FanFic. | REMAKE ON THE WAY!Where stories live. Discover now