3 - Arieshell

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"Prenez soin de vous."
Translation: "Take care."

"Merci, revenez nous voir."
Translation: "Thank you, come again."

As the man walked out, the clerk noticed Jacques and Arieshell. An immense grin came to his face. Arieshell backed up behind Jacques.

"Ha! Jacques, mon vieil ami, comment vas-tu?" The man asked.
Translation: "Ha! Jacques, my old friend, how are you?"

"Maurice! Je vais bien et toi?" asked Jacques.
Translation: "I'm good, and you?"

Maurice waved his hand, "Ha! les affaires ont été lentes mais nous avons travaillé dur."
Translation: "The business has been slow, but we've been working hard."

Jacques smiled at the man. There's a lot to say about Maurice Millet, but above all else, know that he's calm and leaderly. Of course, he's also courteous, hardworking, and fun-loving, but in a way, they're lesser traits and trained by behaviors of being power-hungry as well. His calm nature and delectable sweets are to die for, and that's what he's the most popular for.

There are many times when friends count on this and his reliability when they require support.
Nobody's perfect, of course, and Maurice has a fair share of lesser days too. His predatory nature and self-indulgence don't make for the most excellent company and could ruin plenty of evenings. Fortunately, his leadership is usually there to help mend things when needed.
Maurice glanced over Jacques's shoulder and noticed something red.

"Pardonnez-moi, mais qui est-ce?"
Translation: "Pardon me, but who's that?"

"Oh, c'est Arieshell, c'est une invitée," replied Jacques while revealing Arieshell.
Translation: "This is Arieshell. She's a guest."

Maurice's eyes widened, and then he started shakily to back away from her, "C'est une bête! Un Sauvage!"
Translation: "She's a beast! A savage!"

"Maurice, écoute-moi, elle ne te fera pas de mal. C'est une amie," Jacques exclaimed while holding him.
Translation: "Listen to me. She's not going to hurt you. She's a friend."

It took a minute for Maurice to compose himself. He looked at Arieshell, frightened but with curiosity. Arieshell wondered if she could run or try to stay to witness the man's response. Maurice took a step forward towards Arieshell.

"She doesn't speak French, so try to talk in English," exclaimed Jacques.

 Maurice gulped, "I have never seen a woman or person like this before. That hair-Those eyes."

"Yes, she's pretty. Isn't she?" asked Jacques.

"Where did you meet her?"

"The ocean."

The ocean," Maurice's eyes widened, "that only can be possible if she was a-,"

"Siren? Yes, but she's not going to hurt you," exclaimed Jacques.

Maurice glanced at Arieshell. Then turned to Jacques, "Did she use her siren song to control you?" 

"What, no!"

The man crossed his arms in disappointment, "I need to hear it from her. No, you," Maurice turned to the girl, "Tell me the truth, did you use your song on Jacques?"

Arieshell tensed up for a moment, then relaxed. She didn't like the confrontation that the man placed before her. Her mind wandered off as if it was protecting her from getting hurt. Arieshell took a deep breath.

"If I may be frank with you. Jacques was on his ship, and he caught me in his nets. He decided to take me on land and show me around. That's the truth."

There was nothing but silence in the shop. Jacques and Arieshell watched Maurice's expression of disgust fade. The man turned back to his counter. Jacques rushed over to reconcile with him. Although Arieshell was not used to this, she waited to see how this played out.

"Maurice, please. She's a guest. She is here to look at the town. Arieshell doesn't have any bad intentions."

Ignoring Jacques's comments, "Do you want to buy something?"
"Maurice," Jacques pleaded.

Maurice didn't respond. He unlocked the cashier and began to count the money. Jacques crossed his arms in frustration. Maurice clicked his tongue in defeat. He stopped his actions and stared at Jacques for a prolonged period.

"Poor Belle."

Jacques's eyes widened, "Belle?"

"She's been absent from the town," exclaimed Maurice.

"Where is she?" asked Jacques in concern.

"She's been in that bizarre man's house. No one has seen her come out of that for months. People are beginning to worry about her. It's gotten to the point that the townspeople believe something immoral has happened to her."

Jacques took a minute to process the information Maurice had given him.
"It makes me wonder how his son would react if he knew what was going on," Maurice added.

"William?" inquired Jacques.



Maurice cut him off, "William's her best friend. He won't let this happen."

"He's not here. He's somewhere in England," exclaimed Jacques.

"Not quite," Maurice said while placing an old newspaper on the counter for Jacques to examine.

Jacques glanced at it and looked back at Maurice, "This can't be right. People were led to believe he was dead or in England having a family."

"That's far from the truth! That man and that asshole of a King is up to this. I know it! It won't surprise me. If they were brainwashing Belle to think so."

"You're asking me to go see Belle?" asked Jacques.

"Why wouldn't you? She's your family, after all," suggested Maurice.

"Alright, I'll go."

"Great! Oh, I need you to give her this," Maurice said, giving Jacques a bag.

"What's this?"

"They're sweets. More specifically, they're chocolate cornets. She and William love these."

Jacques nodded, "Do I need to pay?"

"Oh no. They're a gift from me," replied Maurice.

"Thank you. We better get going then," suggested Jacques.

"Of course, save travels and have a good day!"

"You too!" 

The Tale Of The Siren (Updates On  Weekends) Rough DraftOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora