Chapter 11: Admiring the Scenery

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Greenland, present day

Soft moss. Morning light. Frantic kisses.

In my dreams, I'm there. I'm them. Two lovers stuck on a frozen shore, desperate to feel something except hopelessness.

When I wake up, hope is instilled in my mind. Kisses at dawn blend together with kisses at twilight. I relive the sensation of Mikk's lips on mine. Cold stings my cheeks while heat radiates over my lips.

For the first time in forever, I look forward to what the day will bring. Because I know it will be spent with him.

After an awkward but sweet dinner with Mikk's parents the night before, where we both blushed every our eyes met, Mikk and I parted with a kiss by the door. I would have invited him to my room, but on account of me living in his parents' house, such a gesture didn't seem appropriate. Although I'm pretty sure his mom already knows what is going on since I heard her snickering in the hallway when Mikk and I said goodnight. I guess it's true that his mom always knows everything.

I'm already dressed and ready for the day when Mikk--who has promised to take me along for a whale safari tour--knocks on my door. He greets me with a soft kiss as soon as we lay eyes on each other through the gap. I melt into his embrace, letting my fingers slip through his hair as I pull him inside the room.

To have my whole being consumed by the longing to be with someone else is something I thought I would never experience again. I was fine with that, as such emotions are dangerous. It's easy to forget yourself in the fog of fascination with someone else. But right now, I don't care. I just want to revel in this intoxicating sensation for as long as possible.

We both know I'm leaving soon. No one will get hurt. This is just a fling. A way to get some frustration out of my systems, and lord knows I have a lot of that tempted up. Realizing the person you'd decided to spend the rest of your life with has betrayed you for years can do that to someone.

But it's another kind of frustration I feel when we tumble down on the bed. The mattress is soft as moss as we roll on the covers, not caring about a thing in the world except the tension building in our bodies.

We're just like them. Björn and Gudrun. The Viking couple, six hundred years gone, who lived and loved on these shores. Time changes a lot of things but not everything. The power of desire is as relentless and unstoppable as ever.

"Mikkel!" A voice suddenly calls from downstairs, interrupting our cuddling session, which honestly was starting to go beyond that. The words that follow the call are unfamiliar to my ears but the tone is not. I've heard that particular pitch so many times during my own upbringing. The man beside me is being chastised for something by his mother, despite being fully grown.

Mikk groans, rolling away from me on the bed. "I feel like a damn teenager again." He whisks away a stray strand of hair from my face--displaced by our vigorous activities--before hurling back a cascade of words in his own language toward the woman downstairs. His tone is annoyed but light.

"She says I'm going to be late for work," he explains when his mom finally quiets down. "And that we should close the door if we intend to stay in your room..."

I can't help but giggle. "I guess we should go downstairs," I say, even though I don't really want to. Finding his hand, I lift it to my lips for a peck. "Can't let you be late. And I am looking forward to his tour."

"Alright," Mikk replies reluctantly, sneaking in a kiss before he stands up. He reaches out a hand to pull me up with him.

"Is this proper attire for a whale safari?" I ask, looking down at my jeans, knitted sweater, and boots.

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