I took the straight cigar cutter, made a clean and precise cut of the cigar cutting the cap of it off, and then passed the tool along to Uncle Galileli.

I put my focus on Nino "I know Nino, you and Godmother think so highly of her and she has somehow made a place here for y'all, however, keep your focus on what's important here and do not allow whatever emotions or desire you may have for her get you attached to her. Whatever you have planned or are thinking of pursuing with her I do not need for it to intervene with the focus of this contract. Do with this warning as you may however if your emotions or whatever you try to pursue with her get in between the goal of why she is really here then me and you will have a problem. Do I make myself clear?" I sternly spoke to him.

Nino nodded his head "Absolutely." He answered.

Uncle Galileli passed the torch lighter back to me. I position the cigar above the flame to prime the cigar. Spin it around a bit to burn the end evenly watching a fairly uniform orange glow form.

I began to take a few puffs from the Cigar before continuing. The aroma from the cigar and its white smoke begin to mix into the room from each smooth puff and slight exhale.

Returning my focus back to Nino  "Remember, you have important duties as well. One of those duties is to also make sure this contract becomes successful. That doesn't mean for you to use your desires for her as a way to do it. Business comes first. This is business. I will not always be here on the estate, your father, The Consigliere, uncle Galileli is rarely here this we know as he himself also has duties to this Cosa Nostra. That means you must make sure as we are away or whenever we are away, this contract and the goal stays intact and Tempest stays focused. I do not want this woman and whatever your desires, and motives for this woman to be the reason why you fall as Underboss and fail your duties. Understood?" I spoke with my focus remaining on Nino.

He nods his head once more "Understood, no worries Marcellus. I got it."He spoke with much faith.

I nod my head "That also means you need to be smart about your actions even in events. Especially with Nicole." I added.

Nino nodded his head once more. "And you have my word." He pledged. I took more puffs from the cigar looking over at Uncle Galilei as he does the same.

Lightly blowing the smoke from my nose and removing the cigar from my lips "Same goes for Godmother who has grown quite fond of Tempest. My only concern with the duration of this contract is that Godmother gets attached to her and that is what I do not want and May have to talk to Godmother about that personally. We know how she can allow her emotions or attachments to get the best of her. The same goes for Gabby and Gia. I just need to make sure everyone is on the same page with this. However, if the interactions that y'all have with her give great benefit to her work then by all means continue. Just keep a focus as to why she's here in the first place. At the end of the day, it's by contract and she's Temporary." I expressed to the both of them watching them both nod their heads to me in understanding.

"Speaking of events and turn of events, also including Tempest. What about Vincenzo and his desire or whatever motive he has with Tempest? With the beginning of our intense horse race tournament coming up next Month will Tempest be attending those as well and how will you go about Vincenzo possibly wanting Tempest?" Nino asked.

I softly tilt the cigar over in the ashtray allowing the ashes to fall off. "For whatever reason, Godmother wants Tempest to be in attendance of the events. But also, Now Tempest has a role at the events which is being labeled as my significant other, therefore she has no choice but to attend until I can clean all this up with a break up plan. I do want to find out the motive of Vincenzo in regards to Tempest. Tempest and I have come to an agreement that she does not make herself accessible to him." I explained as I begin to think about how busy March is about to be far as events on top of having to deal with Vincenzo and whatever plan or vendetta he has out for Tempest.

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