Chapter Twenty One

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Staring out of the window that oversees the entirety of the estate from the snowstorm that happened late last night. The afternoon sun was blazing down over all of the glistening snow that covers the land, in just a few weeks all of the snow will be melted away and spring would have arrived.

Hearing soft knocks at my office door, causing me to turn away from the window. I walked towards my desk "Come in." I instructed. I looked down at my Rolex seeing that soon Romeo would be landing and coming here.

The sound of heels clacking against the hardwood floors got my attention as I see Godmother softly smiling as she enter into the room. "Goodmorning dear, how did I know that you would have been on this end of the estate," Her soft voice spoke as she let out a soft laugh.

I let out a slight chuckle; walking from behind my office desk and towards Godmother who were walking towards me.  "This office does have the best view of the estate and it's been a while since I've been on this side." I mentioned to her as we properly greeted one another. Her soft perfume lingers as we shared a gentle hug. "You're right about that dear. Everything's okay? We didn't get a chance to talk yesterday since your uncle and I left after your meeting with Avy and then we had that charity dinner which I'm sure your uncle told you after breakfast today how well that went and I also heard you had yet another business meeting with the officials of Lombardy yesterday." Godmother explained gently pulling away from our hug.

I politely kissed her on her cheek as she returned the gesture "Yes Godmother, I am okay. He did tell me and some great news came from it that I am pleased with." I gestured Madrina to take a seat in the office chairs that were in front of my desk.

I walked back behind my desk sitting down in the office chair. Letting out a deep exhale as the thought of how busy yesterday got due to the number of business calls following the call with Vincenzo.

I watched as Godmother took a seat in one of the armchairs "I don't know why Italy is giving you such a hard time. What could it possibly be now." She asked running her hands through her long dark hair.

"The usual. Them being worried about the business that will be done there other than hotel business which is understandable given the fact of everything that will be offered there such as a casino being one of the amenities but all of this was discussed during the initial meeting before I could even buy the land. It is now three years later, construction is finishing up and I had to have yet another meeting with the officials." I explained slightly growing annoyed.

"And how did the meeting go?" Godmother asked as her brow was slightly arched and raised from the curiosity. I exhale a exhaustion sigh  "It went well, however, I did express to them my frustration and offense of them constantly questioning me as if I don't have other business in and around Italy but we're specifically talking about in Lombardy. I have other businesses there. I understand that it's because of the Casino business. I've done more than enough and have contributed more than enough so there's no reason for me to have to constantly meet with them so frequently." I expressed.

Godmother softly nodded her head "I agree. I am sure now that you have expressed your concerns to them they should lighten up. It may just be your competitors who are reporting and bringing up the worries. Speaking of meetings. I'm guessing the renegotiation of the contract with Avy went well?" She gathered as a soft smile gaze on her face.

I nodded my head "You're right about that, I may take a quick trip to Italy once I get things situated with Tempest and before March began. To also answer your question. Yes, it was a success." I confirmed seeing Godmother smile widen.

"I did take your advice and added more obligations to the contract and a few of them require Romeo. So I called him last night for him to fly in today to show Tempest the in-depths of the Technology building that are locked away so she could get acclimated with our system and do what she needs to do. I wanted him to be here for breakfast with us earlier but his flight got delayed" I explained briefly.

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