Chapter 9

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    "Good morning Gabr...." I said as I turned to face Gabriel only to find he was not there, the bed was empty. I turned back to my previous position to find a note on my nightstand;
    "Last night was fun" it read
    Last night, fun? It didn't seem like just fun last night, did it?. So detached and emotionless, that's how the note felt. A little good morning or perhaps no letter at all would have been preferable. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with Gabriel, it left me with confusion.... Clearly not what I wanted.
    I freshened up and headed to Gabriel's, without patience I pushed the doorbell multiple times and got no response. I called ano he didn't pick up, there was clearly no other thing to do than go home.
    Whilst sitting by the window up in my room drinking warm coffee, the thought of Mr Daniels crossed my mind . Shoot! I had completely forgotten about him, Gabriel had clearly taken all the space in my mind and even more. Was this all a fling to Gabriel or was there a genuine reason I couldn't get a hold of him and even if there was, that note contradicted the idea. I never really asked him what he wanted nor did he say anything about wanting anything, he was the only one to ask which made where we stood even more uncertain. With Mr Daniels, I knew where I stood. Was security better? I had to see Gabriel first before I could answer that question, I wanted to know what this meant to him, what he wanted.
    Sunday, I didn't get any calls from Mr Daniels nor did Gabriel show up or return my calls. That's more than a day now and Gabriel was nowhere to be found, " he would show up at work tomorrow" I thought to myself" but Monday came and Gabriel was not at work.
    "Hey Deloris, do you know why Gabriel Bryson isn't at work?" I asked, knowing Deloris knew almost everything.
    " Shouldn't you know that, you are his neighbor aren't you?" Deloris returned
     I continued to ask people randomly the same question but no one seemed to have a clue. I decided to ask the boss himself, but he wasn't the guy he was last week. Focused and serious, that's what he was today, too buried in his work to look up .He didn't take me to work today, was something up? I clearly wasn't going to figure that out at the moment.
    "Miss sofia, I apologize for not picking up this morning and not informing you as well" Mr Daniels said after requesting my presence at the office
    " It's no biggie, I got to work anyways" I replied since it wasn't his obligation to pick me up all the time.
    "It is a biggie for me, I should have called. I would love to take you home today as usual"
     " I don't mind that" I said and left as soon as it was okay to. I didn't ask Mr Daniels about Gabriel, I did not want him to think too much about me asking.

   We both went down the elevator together,we headed to his car in the parking lot but we didn't get in immediately.
    "Did you what I said the other day any thought" Mr Daniels said confidently with his hands in his pocket, looking me straight in the eye
    I did give it a thought, many that is.
    " yes I had given it a thought...." I paused to make sure I was about to say the right thing
    "And.....?" Mr Daniels asked eager to know
    ".... I do want you, I want a relationship with you.....only if you give me security, only if when I eventually fall for you, I wouldn't get hurt,only if you always make me certain about you" I said this with all sincerity as I looked into his eyes searching for the answer before he spoke, I could see it clearly
    "I will give you all that you want and more, your heart is safe with me.... So trust I would handle it carefully and take good care of you" he answered with his words even though I had seen the exact same words in his eyes
    He held both my palms and said "this is it sofia", as his eyes pierced deeper into mine

Who is it going to be Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ