Chapter eight

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The next day, Daryl got up early to let out all the animals in there little farm, and collect the eggs from the chicken coup. There were only three in there today so he goes inside and starts cooking up scrambled eggs for everyone. It wasn't long till the smell woke Beth up and she came walking over to Daryl with a smile on her face, giving him a kiss on the cheek and then hugging his waist.

"Anne and Ava not up yet?" she asks, looking up at him with her chin resting on the side of his shoulder.

"Sound asleep" Daryl says with a small chuckle knowing they had a bit of a later night last night.

"I'll go wake them for breakfast, don't want them sleeping too late" she smiled as she walked away to their room. The cabin is small, open plan, the kitchen connects to the bedroom/living area, but there is also a little sunroom connected to the side of the cabin, it's only small, but big enough to fit a single bed which the girls share, top and tailing. They're very small so they easily fit on it.

Beth gently shakes them awake and at first they were all sleepy, rubbing their eyes and not wanting to get up.

"Daddy's made eggs" Beth says with a smirk knowing her girls, they were instantly up and ran as fast as their little legs could carry them into the kitchen area, awaiting their breakfast.

Daryl hands them their plate of scrambled eggs, chopped tomatoes and spinach. The girls giggle as they settle down on the small breakfast table in the kitchen, demolishing their food. Beth gets the same breakfast, only a tiny bit more egg than the girls.

"What about you?" Beth asks Daryl as she realises he doesn't have any.

"Weren't enough egg, I was gonna have a bit of meat or some' instead" Daryl says with a shrug. Beth shakes her head, she would give up her food if she wasn't carrying his baby, knowing he's always willing to give up his portion for someone else. "Rick and Michonne are coming over again today" Daryl says, remembering the conversation yesterday before they left. Beth looked up scared, thinking she was gonna have to deal with Maggie again today. "Don't worry, Maggie ain't comin', But Judith and Carl are" Daryl says with a small smile, knowing how much that would excite Beth.

"Baby Judith!?" She says almost yelling, she ain't seen that lil' asskicker in years, she probably ain't a baby anymore but an actual kid. And Carl is no longer a kid, he's a teenager, probably growing a silly moustache. Beth giggles a bit to herself at the thought, but also can't hold back the excitement she's filled with at the mention of being able to see the two children she's known for years.

A couple hours go by and it's mid day and Daryl can hear his brother and his family get closer to his home. When Rick gets at the gate, Daryl welcomes him in with a hug and a pat on the back, doing the same with Carl while Beth greets Michonne with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"And this is Judith? Oh my..." Beth is taken aback by how much the girl has grown. "She must be what? Like four now?" She asks looking up at Michonne who nods with a proud smile. She bends down to Judiths height, she isn't as shy as Beths children, probably because she's been around more people. "Hey Judy, I'm Beth. I used to look after you when you was a baby" Beth says as she looks at Judith admirably, proud of the little lady she's become.

"I heard about you before, from Aunty Mag and Daddy and lots of famnily at home" Judith says, stuttering a bit but managing well. Beth nods and smiles.

"I used to be like your momma, feed you everyday and hold ya when you cried" Beth said and couldn't help the smile on her face as she remembers life at the prison.

"Like Momma here?" She said as she held on to Michonnes t-shirt with her small hands. Beth looked up at the woman, remembering when she would refuse to hold Judith, proud that she's overcome her losses and became Judy's mom.

"Like Momma there" Beth said trying not to chuckle at the cute little girl. At this point, Rick, Carl and Daryl were off catching up and talking about god knows what, Beth didn't care, just happy to finally talk to another woman.

"Are you a momma?" Judith asks and Beth nods her head.

"I have two little girls, they're called Anne and Ava" she smiles as she can tell the little girl is trying to take in the information. "They're over there look, playing with the chickens" Beth points to the direction her girls are playing and Judith's eyes brighten, excited to make some friends.

"Can I go play with them Momma?" She looks up at Michonne as she asks for her permission. Michonne nods and pushes her along. Judy runs off to the little girls, putting her hand out for them to shake, only for them to just stare confused. Beth giggles a bit at the scene. She watches as Anne introduces Judy to all the chickens and all the girls start playing together.

"Howdy boys" Beth says with a wide smile as her and Michonne walk over to the three men. Beth wraps her arms around Daryl who puts his arm over her shoulder and the other hand just under her belly, holding it almost.

"You doin' alright, Beth?" Rick asks as he leans on a shovel that's stuck into the ground. Beth can only assume Daryl was showing off his garden and getting them to help with a bit of plowing.

"We're good" Beth smiles as she looks down at her tummy and then Rick. "You?" She asks genuinely. This man led her group, her family, not seeing him for years was odd, seeing him again after all those years is even odder.

"I'm doin' alright. Been better honestly. Alexandria struggling a bit at the moment" Rick says, consoling a bit in Beth, it doesn't bother her, she's always been a good listener.

"Our home is always open to as many can fit" she replies, genuinely letting Rick know they can go there whenever but also chuckling a little because she knows her home is only small and only so many can fit.

"I appreciate that" he says holding her shoulder and then bringing her in for a hug. Rick is very proud of the two, proud of how far and strong Beth has become and for Daryl because he opened up his heart, let someone in and allowed himself to be happy. Rick smiles at the couple. "You know you guys are always welcome at Alexandria, we're good friends with the Leader, I know she would like you both" he says as he leans against the fence that surrounds their chickens. Beth and Daryl nod at him with a smile, appreciating the gesture.

"Thank you, but this will always be our home, we made it so" Beth looks up at Daryl as she said the last part, a real smile on her lips and Daryl smiles back. She gives him a kiss and then goes back to talking with everyone else.

Beth can see how happy Daryl is right now, being able to talk to his friends and brother. Remembering the way his face lit up when they arrived earlier that day warms her heart. They know they're all alive now, that it's not just them, this changes so much. Beth isn't quite sure if she's ready for change, but as long as Daryl is happy, she is.

"Mama" she hears a little whimpering Ave come waddling up to her, wiping away some tears. "Anne an-and Julie keep running to-too fast" she stutters out through little sobs. Beth ignores the little name mispronounce as she picks up Ava, cooing at her.

"I'm sorry sweetie, do you want cousin Carl to go play with you instead?" Beth asks the little girl who looks at him a bit scared, contemplating whether or not she wants to, but nods, spreading her arms as Beth hands her to him. He smiles, happily taking her and not minding. He takes her over to the ducks so that they can sit and play, they have a very shallow pond and Carl holds her little hands while she kicked her feet in it and followed the ducks. "He doesn't mind right?" Beth checks with Rick who was smiling at his son.

"Course not, he's a good with kids, just like you was at the prison" Rick smiles. The comment he made was innocent but the memory upset Beth. Remembering everything at the Prison, losin' her Daddy and what was her home, losing all those people. She doesn't show she's upset, pretending the comment didn't effect her and just smiled with a nod. Daryl knew tho, he gently rested his hand on her back and rubbed it a little, letting her know he's there and that it's all okay now.

They stayed for lunch and sat and ate the fresh fruit snd veg outside on the bench, this feels like before, at the prison, but Beth and Daryl are together with children, it's an odd feeling to Beth, everyone knowing about her and Daryl, having her old family sit at a table with her new. She's struggling to express how she feels, she likes it, she thinks.

After a while, Rick, Michonne, Carl and Judith all head home while Daryl and Beth get dinner ready for their girls. Settling down and getting themselves an early night.

My Little Dove // BethylWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt