Chapter two

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Beth wakes up the next morning in Daryl's arms and can't help but feel so at peace. She just feels so... happy. A word she hasn't felt like she could use for a very long time, and she's using it right now, and can't help the smile that draws on her lips. He's lightly snoring into her hair and her heart swells a bit as she saviours the moment. He stirs a little bit awake and looks down at her with sleepy eyes.

"Hey" he says with a small smile as he strokes the hair out of her face.

"Hi" she whispers back as she gives him a gentle but long kiss.

"You okay?" Daryl asks as he pulls a from the kiss, rubbing her back soothingly as she wraps a leg around him.

"M'fine Daryl" she smiles wide as she remembers last night "are you?" and he just nods gently before he pulls her in for another kiss. However, the kiss is cut short by Rick calling for Daryl outside his cell, he quickly jumps out of his bed and goes to open his curtain, forgetting he's completely naked. He stops himself at last minute.

"Hang on" he shouts through the curtain. He pulls his boxers and pants on and steps out of the curtain as he's pulling his top on. "Y'right?" Daryl asks him mildly out of breath from getting up and dressed so quickly. He stands in front of the curtain, not opening it so no one can see Beth in his cell.

"Yeh, just looking for Beth. Need her to watch Judith while we all go on a run. No one can find her" Rick says a little hastily, stressed from the fact he's missing a member of his family.

"She's probably in the showers if she's nowhere else" Daryl quickly conjures up as he tries to think of a way to get Beth out of his cell without anyone seeing.

"Alright, ill send Maggie down there to look" Rick says, knowing he's not gonna want to be the one to find a naked Beth in the showers, figuring it's better her sister be the one to find her. "You comin' on the run with us" Rick asks as Daryl goes to go back into his cell.

"I'll probably sit this one out" Daryl says as he shifts from one foot to the other. Rick nods understandingly and walks off to go find Maggie. Daryl goes back into his cell to find a fully dressed Beth, smiling amicably up at him. Daryl goes up and gives her a quick kiss before pulling away and goes to explain the plan to her. She cuts him off before he gets the chance.

"I already heard don't worry" she's smirks as he shakes her head at her knowing mischief. He opens the curtain, looking out to see if anyone's watching and then letting Beth run out in the opposite direction of everyone. She runs towards there showers, strips as quickly as she can and jumps into the shower. As soon as the waters running and hitting face, she feels quilt, like she's washing Daryl off her, his smell and his touch. She liked how he felt, his fingers running along her skin, gently tickling her with his faint touch. She's immediately taken from her thoughts as she hears Maggie shout her name.

"Beth! You in here?" Maggie yells, Beth can hear the worry lacing her voice and almost feels bad.

"Yeh Why?" She calls back innocently, like she didn't know people were looking for her.

"Can you come watch Judy again please?" Beth hears the thick southern accent come up to her curtain so that they don't have to yell to each other across the bathroom.

"Okay gimme a sec" Beth says as she turns the shower off and rinsing out her hair. She dries herself quickly and throws her clothes on. "At this point we should just put her cot in my room" Beth giggles a bit to herself as she dries her hair off with her towel, following Maggie down the corridor.

"I'll mention that to Rick, your kinda her momma so it would make sense" Maggie shrugs and Beths heart warms at the idea of being Judith's momma.

The two girls get back to everyone and Maggie goes to talk to Rick about the sleeping arrangements with Judith. He comes up to talk to her and Beth can't help but feel nervous. "Maggie said about Judith goin' in your room? You want that?" Rick asks with genuine kindness. Beth nods back at him.

"Only if you're okay with that of course" Beth chimes up, she understand that Rick is Judy's dad, but she does see herself as Judith' momma.

"Beth, you're her mom now, you're the one she wants whenever she's upset, I think it's fitting." Rick says honestly with a genuine smile and a hand on Beths shoulder. Beth nods up at him, reciprocating the smile. "Well Daryl is staying back today so we'll get him to help you move the cot into your room" Rick says as he leaves Beth with a nod, quickly talks to Daryl and then leaves with the rest of the group to go on the run.

After about an hour of Beth and Daryl faffing about trying to get the cot in her room they finally sit down and relax. They realise they are the only ones, along with Judith, left in the cell block. Hershel is out on the farm, Carol is off in the library with the children and everyone else is in the yard enjoying the sun.

"Y'all 'right?" Daryl asks Beth, breaking the comfortable silence between them. Beth nods happily, looking at Judith in her lap. Daryl takes in the view and just smiles.

"I always wanted to be a momma" Beth says looking up at Daryl "Have me own family and a nice husband" she perks as she looks back down at Judith.

"You'll get that one day don't worry" Daryl reassures, he wants nothing but to start a family with bed, be a dad and have all the babies with her. He just knows not yet. They ain't ready yet and neither is everyone at the prison.

"You really think?" She asks with a huge grin of hope on her face.

"I know" Daryl bends down to give her a kiss, feeling her soft lips on his, he wants this feeling until he dies.

Ima skip when everyone was ill cos I can't be bothered :)

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